Don't Be Afraid to Step on the Scales! This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC. Don't Be Afraid to Step on the Scales! Creating meaningful learning scales for elementary students.
Today's Learning Scale 4 D. I can lead a professional development or PLC at my school regarding the creation of learning scales. 3 C. I can write a learning scale. 2 B. I can label the parts of a learning scale. A. I can define a learning scale
What is a Learning Scale? A Learning Scale is a tool to help you and your students define the progression of learning and guide instruction. Something you already do very naturally. Communication tool between you and your students so you are speaking the same langauge. Clean your bedroom This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.
A Learning Scale is not the Same as a Rubric Learning scale 4 Experiment with complimentary ingredients 3 Use correct ingredients to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich independently 2 Put jelly on bread Put peanut butter on bread Know and gather ingredients Rubric 5 I can teach others how to make a sandwich. 4 I can always use the correct ingredients to make a sandwich. 3 I can use the correct ingredients and create a sandwich most of the time. 2 I can find some ingredients and put them on the bread some of the time. 1 I can find ingredients with help A rubric quantifies the number of successes a student has on a learning goal. A Learning Scale is a tool to help you and your students define the progression of learning and guide instruction.
Today's Learning Scale 4 D. I can lead a professional development or PLC at my school regarding the creation of learning scales. 3 C. I can write a learning scale. 2 B. I can label the parts of a learning scale. A. I can define a learning scale
Why Should We Use a Learning Scale? This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
18 18 Gift Shop Lunch 18 17 15 15 This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
How Do We Do This?
“A performance scale organizes the various types of targets on a continuum that ranges from simpler to more complex thinking. A well-designed scale, based on the identified targets, functions as a communication tool between you and your students as it outlines the progression of learning toward the learning goal. Performance scales are composed of individual learning targets that work together and gradually build toward mastery of a specific academic standard.” (p. 9)
What Are the Parts of a Learning Scale? The Standard What Are the Parts of a Learning Scale? E. Extension *Keep it as simple as possible *Include major concepts *Does not need to have every detail from start to finish D. The Standard C. Mini-Lesson 3 B. Mini-Lesson 2 A. Mini-Lesson 1
Today's Learning Scale 4 D. I can lead a professional development or PLC at my school regarding the creation of learning scales. 3 C. I can write a learning scale. 2 B. I can label the parts of a learning scale. A. I can define a learning scale
How? LAFS.1.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Declarative (nouns): story, characters, setting, sequence of events, key details Procedural (verbs): describe
1st Grade/ELA/Key Ideas and Details LAFS.1.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a a story, using key details. Write 4 I CAN summarize a book by writing a paragraph which includes sentences about key details, characters, setting, and the central message of the story. 3 I CAN describe characters, setting and major events in a story, using key details. 2 I CAN tell what happened in the middle of the story. I CAN tell what happened at the end of the story. I CAN tell what happened in the beginning of the story. I CAN tell where the setting is. I CAN tell who the characters are. ? 1…2…3 1…2…3 Characters Setting 1…2…3 Beginning Middle End 1st Grade/ELA/Key Ideas and Details
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Questions This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.
Today's Learning Scale 4 D. I can lead a professional development or PLC at my school regarding the creation of learning scales. 3 C. I can write a learning scale. 2 B. I can label the parts of a learning scale. A. I can define a learning scale
Thanks and Have a Great Year! Contact information: Jenny Thomas – 936-6000