Rolesville High School Cheerleading
Website Check website for Varsity Varsity cheer calendar for practices and games Volunteer, snack, homecoming, and senior night sign up Homecoming sign up is for JV also Link to RHS apparel store also posted
ORDER STUFF ASAP Poms take awhile to order please order tonight Also be sure your daughter has new or almost new cheer WHITE shoes to wear to games Mandatory to have poms, red bow, black spanks, black crop top, warm-up jacket, warm up pants, white Nike socks, cheer t-shirt Recommend rain jacket Pink poms will be discussed later
Contract Mission/Seasonal team Academics Sportsmanship Spirit Public Relations Safety Contract Violations Attendance & Tardies Uniform & Apparel Jewelry Practices Transportation Social Media
Attendance Please be aware you daughter is required to be at all practice and games Consequences for missed game or practice will be dealt with on a case by case basis at discretion of the coach BE AWARE: if your daughter is absent from practice…we go on. New stunts, cheers, chants, and dances are taught without them. We will not incorporate into that material later.
JEWELRY No tolerance rule Absolutely no jewelry at anytime I will not remind. Athlete will be dismissed from practice and later suffer consequences of missing practice.
Public Relations Volunteer hours are required for Varsity cheerleaders You will get a volunteer verification form to use those community service hours for other clubs or organizations We want RHS cheerleading to be seen in a positive light in the community
Varsity Spirit Night Items Each year we have theme spirit nights. We support the themes by adding to our uniforms fun spirit items. Example: Lula night we buy lei’s bracelets Those items usually run around 30$ total for the season. This is an upfront cost in the beginning of the season.
Fundraising We are required to fundraise this year It will affect our future budget Any ideas are welcome Looking for a parent volunteer to head up the fundraiser. Also if you know business who would sponsor us it would be great!
TO DO LIST Go online to volunteer for: Please submit your signed contract tomorrow to take on this huge commitment. Check out calendar online Order mandatory uniforms components Go online to volunteer for: Snacks Homecoming Senior night Volunteer hours
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