Sustainability The Leadership Challenge
Choose the Right Style Leader as learner, leader as partner Identify your leaders and support Distribute leadership / bottom up ‘Walking the talk’ – we need to lead!
Principal, David Wood, cycles to college
Clarify & Structure Be systemic but responsive; simplify Develop Policy/Strategy; be aspirational but realistic Use frameworks, e.g. the 4Cs – Culture, Campus, Curriculum and Community Establish Sustainability Forum/include students Use existing groups
Sustainability Forum *Procurement *Travel *Estates Energy *Curriculum Fairtrade Biodiversity People and Planet * Largely based on existing Groups
Involve Everyone ‘From canteen to boardroom’ It’s about values not skills Start with the staff / open door Model behaviour
Members of the Sustainable Development Working Group with the Green Gown award
Be Practical Focused action plan to direct energies / co-ordinate what is happening already Simple ideas, big results! Continually communicate activities and successes Have fun!
A taste of Fairtrade at LMC’s staff chocolate and wine tasting
Get Support EAUC Consultant Other colleges Colleagues
Biodiversity around the College
Leadership Drivers Behave ethically, commit to Corporate Social Responsibility Foster collaboration, common ways of thinking/ culture Communicate, communicate, communicate Use frameworks to facilitate and track change Take a risk based approach Be persistent, consistent and relentless