Welcome to Kindergarten At Madison’s Trust Mrs. Azad, Mrs. Berman, Mrs. Crouse, Ms. Good, Mrs. Kaczmarczyk, Mrs. Ofano, Ms. Trinen, Mrs. Varner Reflections: See if we could get an EL rep for parents with questions at k information night. (slide) Add a slide about when families will found out their child’s teacher
Back to School Night and Open House Open House (August, 20 from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.) A time for children and parents to meet the teacher and see their classroom. Share dismissal information Back to School Night (September, 4 from 6:00-7:15 p.m.) Teachers will share academic information. Parents Only- Answer parent questions. MB
Generalized Schedule Reading block Writing Lunch, Recess, and Specials Math block Content (Social Studies and Science) For homework students will be given a nightly reading log to be done with a parent. The reading log will have activities and/or questions for parents and students to do while they are reading. The questions and activities will follow with the kindergarten SOL standards and will build on skills learned throughout the year. The activities and questions are guidelines, and parents are welcome to take the activities and questions further. Another piece of homework is done through the math program known as I-Ready. This is a math program that bases the activities on your child’s math level. We ask that your child complete 3, 20 minute sessions on I-Ready a week. I-Ready can be assessed through the school’s website. CG
Lunch/Snack Each day your child will have lunch and snack. You have the option of buying or packing lunch. If you choose to buy lunch please visit the LCPS website CG
Specials P.E. (tennis shoes) Art Music Library Guidance SEARCH PC Specials include art, library, P.E., guidance and music. Specials are a chance for your students to explore other skills outside of academics. Please be aware of your child’s specials schedule, so you students can wear proper shoes for P.E. days. PC
Parent - teacher Conferences You will be able to sign up during back to school night. Teachers will meet with all parents for a fall for for a Fall Conference. TV Conferences are Nov. 7th and 8th (might be done earlier depending on the teacher’s preference???). Each teacher will be sending out a sign-up sheet for parents to sign. Could have sign up sheet at back to school night????
Volunteers There will be lots of opportunities. Information coming at Back to School Night. Volunteers are a great way to have parents come in and participate in your child’s learning. If you would like to volunteer please sign up on the form provided by your teacher. Also when you come in to volunteer, first stop by the office to sign-in and show them your I.D. TV
Parent VUE: Please use ParentVue to find the following information: Bus Information Students ID numbers Used for computer login & lunch View Student Report Cards Please see attached handouts Please use ParentVue to find the following information: Show them on the computer how to get to lunch number and where to find bus information Grades for academics will not be until 2nd quarter DO
To find bus information, go to...
Supplies MTES website has supply list. Option #1 You can purchase supplies on your own and bring them to open house. Option #2 Order the supplies online which get delivered to MTES. You can order them through sprout supplies by using school code MTES001. If you choose to order the supplies online the deadline is July 17, 2019. MK
Arrival -First Day of School Thursday, August 22 7:30-7:50 You are welcome to walk your child to the classroom on the first day of school. This can be a difficult time for both child and parent. Please make this a quick farewell. There may be tears, but the best thing to do is leave right after you say your comforting goodbye. Your child is in good hands. ST
Arrival and Dismissal All Kindergarten students will have a purple tag on their backpack indicating their transportation mode. Bus Riders: Please wait for your child at the bus stop. Car Riders: Family Number and will wait in the library. Walkers: Kindergarten walkers will be waiting for an adult in our playground area. Please make sure you bring your “number”. Daycare: Please make sure your child and teacher are aware of daycare provider. Tell the parents… PLEASE have your child’s dismissal information by back to school night. You will not be able to leave until you write it down! ;) ST
Information we need from you You will need to put your child’s dismissal information into ParentVue in mid August before open house. (There are directions in your packet) The school will then create your child’s purple tag. Bring this information to open house with you as well. NA
Purple Tags We will hold a Kindergarten meet and greet in August before school begins (Saturday). At the meet and greet you can... Pick up your purple transportation tags that you will need for the first day of the school. This is also an opportunity to meet classmates. NA
When Will I Know Who my Child’s teacher is? This information will come to you through the mail in Mid August. NA
We are going to have a wonderful year! Thank you for coming!