‘What does it mean to be equal?’


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Presentation transcript:

‘What does it mean to be equal?’ ENGLISH: WK 1: ‘Dreams of Freedom’. Writing our own dreams for the year ahead. WK 2-8: Texts which celebrate ‘Black History Month’ WK 2: Writing a blurb and a book review for ‘Amazing Grace’ by Mary Hoffman. WK 3: Retell of the story ‘Princess and the Pea’ by Rachel Isadora. WK 4: Innovating a story using ‘Billy and the Beast’ by Nadia Shareen. WK 5: WORLD SPACE WEEK Writing instructions to build our own rocket. WK 6: Design a poster about Catherine Johnson, NASA Mathematician. WK 7: Information writing about Martin Luther King, Black Rights Activist. WK 8: Researching and writing information pages about famous black musicians: Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley. Billie Holliday, Aretha Franklin. MATHS: WK 1-4: Place Value Recognise the place value of each digit in a two digit number (tens, ones). Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0 and in tens from any number, forward and backward. Identify, represent and estimate numbers to relationship between addition and subtraction to 100 using different representations. Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs. Use place value and number facts to solve problems. WK 5-8: Addition and subtraction Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and use related facts up to 100. Show that the addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot. Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two digit number and ones; a two digit number and tens; two 2-digit numbers; adding three one digit numbers. FOUNDATION SUBJECTS HISTORY: Significant people in history WK 2-4: My own history timeline. WK 5-8: Black History Month Katherine Johnson Martin Luther King Jr Rosa Parks Stevie Wonder Louis Armstrong COMPUTING: Using the internet safely WK 2: Saving work to my own folder. WK 3: Searching the internet using one word. WK 4: Looking for child friendly websites. WK 5: Using and following links. WK 6-8: Creating our own secure online blog. ‘What does it mean to be equal?’ Autumn Term 1 ART: Self portraits WK 2-3: Primary colours. WK 4-5: Creating secondary colours. WK 6-8: Develop a range of art and design techniques using the artists Mark Rothko, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollack, Robert Delaunay and Wassily Kandinsky. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gymnastics & Dance WK 1&2: Body shapes – stretches. WK 3: Body shapes – pike and straddle. WK 4: Linking movements. WK 5: Body balances. WK 6: Body positions using point contacts. WK 7: Linking movements to create a sequence. WK 8: Rolls and changing direction. Games: Invasion Games WK 2: Receiving and sending skills. WK 3-4: Throwing and catching skills WK 5: Playing striking and fielding games. WK 6: Considering distance and direction when striking and fielding. WK 7: Striking a ball. WK 8: Strategically moving a ball. SCIENCE: Materials WK 2: Sort materials based on their properties. WK 3: Changing the shape of a material. WK 4: Rolling and pushing investigation. WK 5 & 6: Changing properties by heating investigation. WK 7 & 8: Changing properties by cooling investigation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Christianity WK 1-2: The story of the Good Samaritan. WK 3-4: How to be a ‘Good Neighbour’. WK 5: The story of the Paralyzed Man. WK 6-8: Retell a story from the Bible using script writing, puppet making and filming skills. MUSIC WK 1-8: Using voices expressively and creatively. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using a range of instruments using traditional African music as a stimulus. Homework Remember to try and complete a piece of homework from the grid each week.