Looking To The Future: NASDSE’s Role Jacque Thompson Bill East November 2006
Demonstrate Mission-Driven and Principles-Guided Leadership Providing services to state agencies to facilitate their efforts to maximize educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities Using principles to guide our daily work
Leadership Principles Be true to your mission Do things with a follow-up in mind Spend your time with positive people Seize your opportunities Make others successful Ask more than tell Take the high road Bill East NASDSE
Keep NASDSE Strong Initiatives that support our mission Partnerships with other organizations i.e. CASE, CCSSO, CSAVR Collaboration with RRCs Skilled Executive Leadership Diverse and Focused Board of Directors Active Membership/100% goal
Help NASDSE Members and Partners Manage Knowledge Project Forum Partnerships for common and consistent messages Dialogue Guides Topical Publications
Make the Use of Communities of Practice the Norm for our Work Collaborative sharing and problem-solving with a purpose Mission-focused and outcomes-driven Expanding shared understanding and practice of research-based interventions and services Building strong networks of leadership and practice Use existing partner networks Connect partners to the work of the state
Make Serving Low-Incidence Populations a Priority Blind Initiative Deaf Initiative Deaf/Blind SWD who are ELL Juvenile Justice Other
Promote A Unitary System of Education Through NCLB and IDEA Reauthorization/Regulations Data Collection, Analysis and Use Collaborative models of intervention and instruction (RtI) Collaborative models of professional learning (IDEA Partnership) Collaborative models of practice
Help Ensure and Maintain a Highly Qualified Workforce Personnel Center New Director Initiatives CTQ
Promote Early Intervention with Evidence-Based Practices Early Childhood Services Early Intervening Services Response to Intervention (Instruction) Connections between RtI/EIS and School Improvement under NCLB
Make Transition to Appropriate Post-School Outcomes A Focus Transition CoP Assistant Secretary’s Initiative Use National Centers for Support
Promote the Important Role of Special Educators in Education State Director of Special Education SEA Staff Special education personnel including related service personnel Integrated leadership across the education community