P14551: Multi-process 3D Printer Critical Subsystem Review Group Members: Jeremy Bennett Austin Chacosky Matt Demm Nick Hensel Chad Rossi Customer: Dr. Dennis Cormier Guide: John Kaemmerlen
Agenda Background Critical Subsystems Sub-Critical Subsystems Electrical/Mechanical Head Interface Subsystem Storage Subsystem Sub-Critical Subsystems Non-Critical Subsystems
Single Process 3D Printers Multi-Process 3D Printer Multi-Proto Lab Single Process 3D Printers Open Source CNC Mill Speaker: Austin
Architecture Speaker: Nick
Agenda Background Critical Subsystems Sub-Critical Subsystems Electrical/Mechanical Head Interface Subsystem Storage Subsystem Sub-Critical Subsystems Non-Critical Subsystems
Electrical/Mechanical Head Interface Subsystem Pugh Chart 1 2 3 4 EMHI Subsystem Tongue and Solenoid with 2 Alignment Pins Shaft and Solenoid with 1 Alignment Pinn Solenoid Driven Locking Arms Ball Bearing/Roller Bearing Alignment Parameter Number Criteria Number Conceptual Image Judgement Criterion Linear Alignment (X,Y,Z) D S - + Rotational Alignment A Active-off Mechanical Connection T Reliability of Electrical Connection U 5 Amount of Custom Parts M 6 Machining Complexity 7 Ease of Servicing Unit 8 Complexity of Release Mechanism 9 Overall Cost ? 10 11 12 13 14 Total (+) Total (-) Net Score -6 Speaker: Matt
Electrical Mechanical Head Interface Selected Design Speaker: Matt
EMHI Concept
EMHI Concept
EMHI Concept
Storage Subsystem Pugh Chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 Process Head Storage Subsystem Horizontal Pins with Z Motion Horizontal Pins with Spring Loading Solenoid-Driven Pin Locking (Back Plate) Solenoid-Driven Pin Locking (Side Plates) Magentic Storage Vertical Pins with Z Motion Parameter Number Criteria Number Conceptual Image Judgement Criterion Required Range of Z Motion D + - Complexity of Storage Area Element A Complexity of Process Head Element T S Machining Complexity U Estimated Cost M Added Space Envelope for Storage 7 Stablility Without Power 8 Number of Actuating Elements 9 Precision/Repeatability of storage location 10 11 12 13 14 Total (+) Total (-) Net Score -4 -2 -1 Speaker: Nick
Storage System Selected Design Speaker: Nick
Storage System Concept
Storage System Concept
Motion System Concept Same selection process as EMHI and Storage Subsystem Belt Drive X and Y, and ball screw Z picked for cost (X & Y) and precision (Z) Looked at multiple rail systems, existing open source solutions.
Motion System Concept
Motion System Concept
Analysis At this point, we have primarily focused on developing the framework of the system to verify that we can fit our conceptual designs into the available space envelope.
Agenda Background Critical Subsystems Electrical/Mechanical Head Interface Subsystem Storage Subsystem Motion Subsystem Sub-Critical & Non-Critical Subsystems
Sub-Critical and Non-Critical Subsystems Sub-Critical Subsystems Non-Critical Subsystems Enclosure Safety System Power Supply Exact HRMT Design Computer Controller Motion Control User Interface Bed System Speaker: Chad
Questions/Comments? Thank You
Electrical/Mechanical Head Interface Subsystem Ideas 1 3 4 2
Storage Subsystem Ideas 4 1 5 2 6 3
Motion Control Pugh Chart 1 2 3 4 Process Head Storage Subsystem Basic Cartesian Ball & Belt Drive Basic Cartesian Lead & Chain Drive Complex Cartesian Ball & Belt Drive Wench - Cable Drive Parameter Number Criteria Number Conceptual Image Judgement Criterion Technical Difficulty S - Motion System Cost D + Load Bearing Capability ? Accuracy (X) A 5 Max Drive Speed (X) 6 Accuracy (Y) T 7 Max Drive Speed (Y) 8 Accuracy (Z) U 9 Max Drive Speed (Z) 10 Maintenance Requirements M 11 12 13 14 Total (+) Total (-) Net Score -1 -4
Motion Control Ideas 1 3 2 4