Presenter – Dr. Vikas Bhatia Professor and HOD, Department of Community and Family Medicine All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar
A prospective study of tribal population in ODISHA, INDIA
Outline of presentation Geographical location of Odisha & distribution of tribal population Background information of Tribals Socio-demographic characteristics of tribal population Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups ( PVTGs) – Distribution & key features Socio-cultural distinctness of tribals in Odisha Important means of livelihood among tribal groups Health system issues Future prospects
Location of Odisha Odisha, being located in the eastern region of the country, hosts 4.2 crores of people (census 2011 About 485 km of coastline along Bay of Bengal 155,707 sq km geographical area Literacy rate: 75% with female literacy: 64% sex ratio : 979 females/1000 males Source Population census 2011 & Wikipedia
Distribution of tribal blocks in Odisha 30 districts in Odisha 13 out of 30 are tribal dominant districts, called ITDA districts Total 314 Blocks in the state More than 1/3rd of blocks (119) under ITDA (Integrated Tribal Development Agency) coverage
Background Proportion of tribal population in Odisha - increased from 22.1% to 22.8% in the last decade Odisha ranks third and accounts for 9.1% of the total tribal population in India Highest in Mayurbhanj (58.7%) and lowest in Puri (0.7%) Over 62 types of Tribes are in the State 13 PVTG Tribal groups- Highest in the country *An analysis of health status of Orissa in specific reference to health equity. Available at
Background (cont’d) 44.70% of the State's geographical area - Scheduled Area- Special Tribal Development Plans are implemented. Extends over 119 out of 314 Blocks in 13 districts Further Classification of Blocks 20 blocks (16 in tribal blocks & 4 in other blocks) - consisting of PVTG (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups) 39 blocks – consisting of mostly inaccessible and Hard to reach tribal blocks *An analysis of health status of Orissa in specific reference to health equity. Available at
Socio-demographic characteristics – Tribal population Sex ratio of the tribals has increased from 1003 in 2001 to 1029 in 2011 Literacy rate among tribal population - 52.24% against the overall literacy rate of 72.87% of the State Tribal male and female literacy rates are 63.70% and 41.20% respectively Over the last decade - significant improvement in literacy level among the STs, from 37.37% in 2001 to 52.24% in 2011 *Census 2011 report. Available at
Socio-demographic characteristics – Tribal population ( cont’d) More than 50% of tribal population reside in 8 districts About 93.8% of tribal population in Odisha reside in rural areas (males - 93.6%, females - 93.9%) Among tribal population residing in urban areas, 39.7% households fall below the poverty line Among tribal population residing in rural areas, 63.5% households fall below the poverty line *Census 2011 report. Available at
Socio-demographic characteristics – Tribal population ( cont’d) *Census 2011 report. Available at
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups ( PVTGs)
Distribution of PVTG blocks in Odisha
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups- Key Features Primitive, geographically isolated, shy and socially, educationally & economically backward Live in various ecological and geo-climatic conditions ranging from plains to forests, hills and inaccessible areas There are 75 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in India, characterized by a pre-agriculture level of technology, Remote located enclaves smallness in numbers a stagnant or diminishing population trend extremely low literacy and a subsistence level of economy * Tribal Culture Heritage Foundation in India. Available at
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups- Key Features ( cont’d) Special category - Distinct social, cultural and occupational practices About 13 PVTG groups exist in Odisha- largest in the country Concentrated in the Eastern Ghats and Northern Plateau An estimated population of 83,611 Spread over 541 villages in 12 districts Needs special focus – increasingly vulnerable *Statistical profile of Scheduled Tribes in India – 2013. Ministry of tribal affairs, Statistical division, Govt of Indi. Available at
Socio-cultural distinctness of Tribals Harmonious co-existence with Nature
Socio-cultural distinctness of Tribals (cont’d) Unique costumes and ornaments
Socio-cultural distinctness of Tribals (cont’d) Community living and togetherness
Socio-cultural distinctness of Tribals (cont’d) Tribal Hat ( Weekly Market) and Tribal alcohol( locally made like Handia, Mahul, Salap prepared from flowers, rice, saps, etc
Socio-cultural distinctness of Tribals (cont’d) Tribal Dance and Tribal Art
Tribal livelihood- living at the margins 49.6 % tribals live below poverty line in India Average income of a tribal household is INR 32345 against INR 72717 for general category household Mostly survive on forest and forest produce Have little access to formal markets Exploited by middle men in the market Source-Indian Human development Survey-2005
Major sources of Tribal livelihood Minor Forest Produce
Major sources of Tribal livelihood( cont’d) Forest produce-based Craft work
Tribal livelihood ( cont’d) Mid & up land Agriculture
Tribal livelihood ( cont’d) Slash& Burn ( Jhuming) cultivation
Rationale…. The tribal population, still being the under privileged section of the society, focus needs to be laid upon their prevailing health status
Health Profile of tribal population in Odisha The infant mortality (78.7 per 1000 live births) and under five mortality (136.3 per 1000 live births) rates among tribal population stand at an alarmingly higher rate Analysis of nutritional indicators - any anemia (80.1%) and under nutrition (54.4) are highly prevalent in children Perspective of maternal health – Only 17.3% of expectant mothers were attended by a health care professional and 11.7% delivered in a health care facility *An analysis of health status of Orissa in specific reference to health equity. Available at
Health system issues – tribal population Shortage of skilled human resource Inadequate infrastructure Poor logistics and supply arrangements Lack of ST specific data like disease burden, morbidity & mortality profile, etc. Absence of Private Sector Poor availability of critical emergency services Poor Monitoring & Supportive Supervision Poor Governance, High absenteeism & unresponsive health system
Future prospects…. Area sensitive and tribe specific Health planning given the fact that there are about 700 tribals groups in india and about 62 in Odisha To bridge the scientific knowledge gap, health care should give paramount importance to spreading ‘ Health Literacy’ by way of mass educational methods, folk media, modern media and school curriculum More focused research should be done to identify the causative factors for meagre health indicators A focused continuum of care approach - from early childhood to reproductive age group, would bridge the gap in health status of the tribal population Strengthen community mobilization and build up the capacities of frontline workers in tribal areas to ensure effective delivery of basic health services and increased utilization by tribal communities
Thank you…..