6 Fields () of Action to lead a Pilot


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Presentation transcript:

6 Fields () of Action to lead a Pilot CLOE Clusters Linked Over Europe 6 Fields () of Action to lead a Pilot Fast Track Consortium Ralf Eichhorn, Economic Development Karlsruhe Brussels, 25 February 2008

CLOE - Clusters Linked over Europe INTERREG IIIC - Fast Track Experimentation / Regions for Economic Change CLOE network is a living lab for successful cluster creation and policies (Regional action plans) and involvement of national authorities European Network of Excellence for Cluster Management, Matching and Promotion total budget of € 2.3 million, co-financed from EU‘s INTERREG IIIC programme

 Partners/ Consortium CLOE-members: 23 clusters 18 partners 15 regions 14 countries

CC, Region and Länsstyrelsen  Open Network  Sharing Experience  Striving for Excellence Lyon CCI City Hall of Timisoara Linz Tartu Science Park Wermland CC, Region and Länsstyrelsen Kaliningrad RDA City of Karlsruhe Nottingham

 Achievements / Milestones Cluster Management Guide website with CLOE database (cluster profiles and company competences) organisation of numerous events combination with fairs / events with industry international links: China / India strategy

 Achievements / Milestones Evolution into a Cluster of Excellence Cluster ! Early, Individual Networks and Gatherings since early 80ies Network ! Forum !

 Communication and Events www.clusterforum.eu Brussels, September 2007

 Management Projects generally: application in mind interface the work-packages share the vision stimulate exchange Fast Track Projects: closer work with the commission (all DGs) increase of responsibility new challenges recognition by authorities of Baden-Württemberg spotlight / attention

 Involvement of Stakeholders    

Branding  Partners / Consortium  Open Network  Achievements / Milestones  Communication and Events  Management  Involvement of Stakeholders ________________________________ =       Excellence

“Nobody is as clever as everybody!“ 8/8