Introduction to Biotechnology Dr. S. Rubanraj Dept of Mathematics St. Joseph’s College Trichy
Biotechnology Biotechnology helps to meet our basic needs. Food, clothing, shelter, health and safety
Biotechnology Improvements by using science Science helps in production of plants, animals and other organisms Also used in maintaining a good environment that promotes our well being
Biotechnology -Definition One of the broadest definition of Biotechnology is the one given at the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity in 1992 as “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.”
Some of these include the use of microorganisms to make the antibiotic, penicillin or the dairy product, yoghurt; the use of microorganisms to produce amino acids or enzymes are also examples of biotechnology.
Biotechnology Using scientific processes to get new organisms or new products from organisms. Large area Includes many approaches and methods in science and technology
Definitions : Any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals or to develop microorganisms for specific uses.
What is biotechnology? Biotechnology = bios (life) + logos (study of or essence) Literally ‘the study of tools from living things’ CLASSIC: The word "biotechnology" was first used in 1917 to describe processes using living organisms to make a product or run a process, such as industrial fermentations. (Robert Bud, The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology) LAYMAN: Biotechnology began when humans began to plant their own crops, domesticate animals, ferment juice into wine, make cheese, and leaven bread (Acces Excellence)
GENENTECH: Biotechnology is the process of harnessing 'nature's own' biochemical tools to make possible new products and processes and provide solutions to society's ills (G. Kirk Raab, Former President and CEO of Genentech) WEBSTER’S: The aspect of technology concerned with the application of living organisms to meet the needs and ends of man. WALL STREET: Biotechnology is the application of genetic engineering and DNA technology to produce therapeutic and medical diagnostic products and processes. Biotech companies have one thing in common - the use of genetic engineering and manipulation of organisms at a molecular level.
What is biotechnology? Using scientific methods with organisms to produce new products or new forms of organisms Any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific uses
What is biotechnology? Using scientific methods with organisms to produce new products or new forms of organisms Any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific uses
What is biotechnology? Biotechnology is a multidisciplinarian in nature, involving input from Engineering Computer Science Cell and Molecular Biology Microbiology Genetics Physiology Biochemistry Immunology Virology Recombinant DNA Technology Genetic manipulation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants and animals, often for the development of specific products
What are the stages of biotechnology? Ancient Biotechnology early history as related to food and shelter, including domestication Classical Biotechnology built on ancient biotechnology fermentation promoted food production medicine Modern Biotechnology manipulates genetic information in organism genetic engineering
Agricultural View All of the applied science based operations in producing food, fiber, shelter, and related products Milk production New horticultural and ornamental plants Wildlife, aquaculture, natural resources and environmental management
Multidisciplinary Involves many disciplines or branches of learning Includes all areas of Life Sciences
What are the applications of biotechnology? Production of new and improved crops/foods, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and livestock Diagnostics for detecting genetic diseases Gene therapy (e.g. ADA, CF) Vaccine development (recombinant vaccines) Environmental restoration Protection of endangered species Conservation biology Bioremediation Forensic applications Food processing (cheese, beer)
Cell Culture Monoclonal Antibodies Molecular Biology DNA technology Transfer of new genes into animal organisms Anti-cancer drugs Culture of plants from single cells Diagnostics Cell Culture Monoclonal Antibodies Crime solving Molecular Biology DNA technology Tracers Genetic Engineering Synthesis of specific DNA probes Cloning Banks of DNA, RNA and proteins Synthesis of new proteins Gene therapy Mass prodn. of human proteins Localisation of genetic disorders New types of plants and animals New antibiotics Complete map of the human genome Resource bank for rare human chemicals New types of food
Organismic Biotech Working with complete, intact organisms or their cells Organisms are not genetically changed with artificial means
Organismic Biotech Help the organism live better or be more productive Goal – improve organisms and the conditions in which they grow
Organismic Biotech Study and use natural genetic variations Cloning is an example of organismic biotech
Cloning Process of producing a new organism from cells or tissues of existing organism. 1997 cloned sheep – “Dolly” in Edinburgh Scotland
Molecular Biotech Changing the genetic make-up of an organism Altering the structure and parts of cells Complex! Uses genetic engineering, molecular mapping and similar processes
Genetic Engineering Changing the genetic information in a cell Specific trait of one organism may be isolated,cut, and moved into the cell of another organism
Transgenic Results of Gen. Eng. Are said to be “transgenic” Genetic material in an organism has been altered
Biotech examples Medicine Agriculture Environment Forestry Food and beverage processing
Medicine Some new developments delve into the hereditary material of humans known as gene therapy
Medicine Therapeutant - product used to maintain health or prevent disease Biopharmaceuticals – drug or vaccine developed through biotechnology Called designer drugs
Medicine Biopharming – production of pharmaceuticals in cultured organisms Combination of the agriculture and pharmaceutical industries
Medicine Certain blood – derived products needed in human medicine can be produced in the milk of goats
Environment Any biotechnological process that may promote a good environment Organisms developed during the gulf war to “eat” oil Organism used in gold mining to “eat” contaminants
Environmental Problems naturally solved by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi break down contaminant into a form less harmful or not harmful
Ag and Forestry Plant biotech Animal biotech
Plant biotech Improve plants and the products produced from them Insect and disease resistance Engineered to have desired characteristics
Plant biotech Corn plant produced with high levels of the amino acid Lysine
Animal Biotech Improve animals or the products they produce Animals may be used to produce products that promote human health
Animal Biotech Increase productivity Pigs engineered to produce human hemoglobin
Food and Beverages Use of technology in production and processing Some biotech principles have been employed for hundreds of years (Yeast in baking bread) Genetically altered crops rBGH milk
Biotechnology Helps meet human needs -Food, clothing and shelter Plants and animals are used in manufacturing food, clothing and materials for shelter. Used to make products more useful or desirable Ex: conversion of milk into cheese or yogurt
Efficiency Must keep the cost of improving products as low as possible Biotech results in greater efficiency. Inoculating legume seeds with bacteria that allow the plant to pull nitrogen out of the air and put it into the soil - Saves the producer the cost of applying N fertilizer. Results in trees that grow faster and produce wood that is more desirable.
Greater Production Increases yields bST use in cows to produce more milk Higher crop yields from drought, disease & insect resistant crops
Health Promoting Foods Food with unique traits Some contain therapeutants Some designed with nutrient enrichment
Safety Consumers want foods to provide needed nutrients and in some cases, enhanced foods Do not want side effects from those enhanced foods
Easy preparation Flavr-Savr Tomato Reached the market in early 1990’s Engineered to have a longer shelf life Flavr-Savr - No soft spots ; No rotten spots; Tomato resists spoilage.
Synthetic biology Creating lifelike characteristics through the use of chemicals Based on creating structures similar to those found in living organisms Need for synthetic cells lead to the development of the vesicle Vesicle – tiny rounded structure with cell like traits
Vesicle Tiny structures similar to soap bubbles were created to serve as the cell membrane Visible only with powerful microscope Once the cell membrane has been successfully developed, development of the materials within the cell is initiated.
Synthetic biology Is important because it brings science closer to creating life in the lab Cells and tissues may be developed to treat human injury and disease