mint vs. fruity mentos Ethan hastings 8 period
My question Which type of mentos will have the biggest explosion
why I chose this i chose this because when we did a mentos experiment in class i wondered what would happen if i tested my theory on mentos not pop
My hypothesis If i test which mentos will have the biggest explosion then i think that minty mientos will because the ment will create a bigger reaction
My variables my independent variable is the type of mentos my dependent variable is the amount of pop left my constants are the type and amount of pop and amount of mentos.
Procedure #1 put the pop in the grass and take off the cap #2 get the geyser tube and put all of the mentos in it #3 put the pin so the mentos don't fall #4 i will put the geyser tube on the pop and pull the pin #5 measure the amount of pop left and record it then repeat on last time
Data the mint mentos had the least amount of pop left with 21oz left and fruity had 24oz left so they were actually very close
My conclusion Since the mint mentos had the least amount left I think that the mint in the mentos made the mints have that little more of a reaction.The fruity things didn't do enough.Maybe if I had different flavors it will be a different story.I do not think that is the story though.