Welcome to Devon School’s Fairtrade Conference 2019
From banana plant to supermarket Cut out each picture and place in order
Banana Split
1p 3p 2p 6p 3p
Using banana fibre
Using banana yarn to make a friendship bracelet
How to make a friendship bracelet Knotted bracelet – fold fibre in half, knot one end, then knot as desired including beads Plaited bracelet – divide fibre into 3, knot one end, plait fibre inserting a bead in the middle Twisted bracelet - divide yarn in half, knot open ends together, with finger in loop twist until bracelet re-twists on itself Finger knitted bracelet- make a slip knot in one end, place index finger through loop and pick fibre and pull through loop, continue making chain loops placing a bead in the centre of bracelet.
Acrostic poem - Banana Beautiful, abundant bananas Are delicious to eat! Naturally sweet And refreshing Never needing to Add sugar
Acrostic poem - Banana Beautiful, abundant bananas Are delicious to eat! Never forget to Always buy Fairtrade when you Need bananas And more!
Science challenge Why does a banana turn brown when peeled and cut?
Open doors to Fairtrade – come on in The Fairtrade premium is like a miracle to us – helping us to improve our community Don’t feed exploitation – choose Fairtrade Come on in and choose Fairtrade
Event Planning Sheet What? Event Where? Place When? Time Who to invite? Who to ask permission from? What to buy, prepare, bake Who will buy, prepare and bake? How to Advertise? Who will do this? Event Planning Sheet
Thank you for your participation today