Strategies for a Handsome Male Organ


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for a Handsome Male Organ

What would you rather have, a handsome male organ or an unattractive one? Exactly. And while some men are born with an especially handsome male organ, even such lucky gents need to take some steps to ensure that it maintains its appealing appearance. Maintaining male organ health is obviously crucial in any handsome male organ regimen, so here are some strategies for making sure that the equipment in your pants is as attractive as possible.

Suggested strategies Wash daily. Unless a man has a special skin condition that precludes frequent washing, it’s important that he give his member and sacks a good washing every day. This can be done as part of regular showering or bathing or separately, if a man does not regularly go for a full body wash. Just rinsing with water is not enough; a mild, gentle soap or cleanser should be used to get rid of any unwanted dirt, grime, bacteria, fungi, etc. Those men whose prepuce is intact need to take extra pains to ensure that they wash well underneath the prepuce, in order to avoid the possibility of cheesy buildup forming, which can be a considerable turn-off to partners, especially if they discover it while in the midst of performing oral sensual activity.

Examine the member regularly. Ideally, a man should do a quick spot check of his manhood every day (perhaps while washing) and a more thorough examination once a week (in a well-lit space where he can spend a few minutes on it). Regular examination allows a dude to spot possible issues as they are just developing and to then initiate strategies to deal with them. A man should be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, such as newly formed bumps, lumps, rashes, dry skin, splotches, warts, pus, or a discharge from the member. On his first examination, a man may discover that he has bumps he hadn’t noticed before. Often these are harmless, like Fordyce spots. If he is unsure about whether they are harmless or not, he should check with his doctor. He should keep an eye on any new bumps, lumps, and so forth, that develop, and he should discuss with a doctor if needed, especially if they are painful, itch, produce discharge, or emit a foul odor.

Use protection. A manhood ravaged with social diseases is a serious health problem – and signs of some social diseases may also make a visible mark upon the organ. Wearing a latex barrier protection is not a 100% guarantee against social diseases, but it is a significant preventive measure.

Keep the skin moisturized. There’s a reason women spend hours moisturizing their skin: it makes a huge difference in how attractive the skin is. When skin has access to proper hydration, it is healthier and looks much better. This is equally true of member skin, which as mentioned before is quite delicate. A manhood with dried-out skin may be flaky, patchy, or splotchy—none of which is a good look for a man’s most important piece of equipment. And when the manhood skin is dried out, it may also make sensual activity (whether solo or partner based) painful.

Use a male organ health creme. One of the most crucial strategies for obtaining and maintaining a handsome male organ is to apply daily a top- drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). There are a number of options out there, so check the label to make sure it has all the ingredients needed. Does it contain shea butter and vitamin E? These first-class moisturizers are key to proper hydration of member skin. Does it have vitamin A? This vitamin has antibacterial properties that can supplement a man’s regular washing and help attack undesirable manhood odor. And if it also contains vitamins B5, C, and D, so much the better for building a healthy, handsome male organ.Man 1 Man Oil