Costing Upgrades Kelly Mullins May 11, 2004
New Costing Web Reports User Profile Report Enables user to see real time costing projections instead of historical data. Able to look up individual user Able to look up users by sponsor Machine Profile Report Enables user to see real time costing projections instead of historical data Can look up single machine or by 4th level domain name ( list of machines by project)
Costing URL The URL for the new costing web reports: You will use your Andrew userid and password to login
Changes For The New Fiscal Year New Policies 90 day refund policy Request for costing changes: 3 business days prior to the last business day of the month. Service suspension: Limbo clean up – you have 30 days to clean up limbo charges before services are suspended. Three notifications will be sent out by Facilities that will include a listing of machine and user charges that need to be corrected. We will start back charging for prior limbo months