Fig. 1. 43-year-old woman with newly diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer. A-C. Axial fused PET-CT images of supraclavicular region, upper and mid chest demonstrate focal tracer uptake at right supraclavicular region (white arrow, A), right subpectoral region, right axillary region (white arrows, B), within right anterior chest wall (white arrow, C) and right internal mammary node (white arrowhead, C). D-F. In contrast-enhanced axial CT images at same level, which was performed at outside institution 1 week earlier, lesions are not easily identified. PET-CT = positron emission tomography-computed tomography Fig. 1. 43-year-old woman with newly diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer. A-C. Axial fused PET-CT images of supraclavicular region, upper and mid chest demonstrate focal tracer uptake at right supraclavicular region (white arrow, A), right subpectoral region, right axillary region (white arrows, B), within right anterior chest wall (white arrow, C) and right internal mammary. . . Korean J Radiol. 2017 Jan-Feb;18(1):18-27.