project on Flood Management in Urban Areas of TC Region LIU Zhiyu Vice Chair, WGH BOH, MWR, CHINA 6~10 Sept. 2010
Background At TC 41st annual session, TC launched a project on Urban Flood Risk Management (UFRM) as a cross-cutting project among WGM,WGH,and WGDRR At TC 42nd annual session, the UFRM Project was agreed with a goal to exchange and share the experiences on urban flood management among the TC members including technology of urban flood monitoring, forecasting, and warning, to enhance the capacity of urban flood management in the TC members.
Background Goals Expected achievement To exchange the experiences on urban flood management; To share the technology of urban flood monitoring, forecasting, early warning; To enhance the capacity of urban flood management; …… Urban development policy Expected achievement Flood forecasting and warning to prepare “Guidelines on flood management for urban planning and development in the Typhoon Area”, etc. Floodplain Management Flood assessment & insurance Evacuation & self-saving Flood and drainage planning Flood emergency response Flood risk education 3
Progress in 2010 The questionnaire survey to the pilot cities of China, Japan and Republic of Korea has been done by China By the April, 2010, the questionnaire are prepared. By the July, 2010, the answered questionnaire from Shanghai, China and Yokohama City, Japan were collected and exchanged by Mr. Liu Zhiyu, at the TC export meeting on UFRM held on Bangkok. Before the IWS, the questionnaire of the Ansung Stream, Republic of Korea was also provided. A draft report was prepared.
Progress in 2010 At the export meeting on UFRM held in Bangkok on 19-20 July, the task force for UFRM was formed and the activities related to the next steps were planned. Following the decision of the 42nd Session of TC held on Singapore, 25-29 January 2010, an expert meeting on UFRM (TC Task Force meeting) was held in Bangkok on 19-20 July, 2010, supported by UNESCAP Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division. At the meeting, the Terms of Reference (TOR) of Task Force and the activities related to the next steps about UFRM were discussed.
Structure of UFRM project (draft) Support Groups ESCAP, WMO UFRM Task Force Chairs Vice-chairs TCS National Focal Point of Pilot Cities TC AWG Typhoon Committee Structure of UFRM project (draft) -Report to TC Session -Guidebook (Pilot Studies) (Recommendations) (Good Practice Inventory) (Useful materials) -Manual - Advice -Materials - Analysis -Contribute to other TC Members Observer Coach Player - Consultation - Workshop - Information -Results - Outputs -Fund Rising - Project Formation Supporter - Materials -Advice - Fund
Progress in 2010 Also, at the meeting, four pilot cites and their contact persons were initially nominated as fellows: 1. Metro Manila, Philippines, contact person: Dr. Susan R. Espinueva, 2. Hanoi, Viet Nam, contact person: Ms. Nguyen Lan Chau, 3. HatYai, Thailand, contact person: Mr. Thosakdi Vanichkajom, 4. Macao, China, contact person: Mr. TANG Iu Man
The next steps(2010): Activities Period Responsibility - Task Force(TF) prepare overall plan (draft project document) July-Aug Deadline IWS Task Force (TF) - Send invitation to potential Support Groups(SG) July TCS - Resource mobilization Start Sept - Confirm Pilot Cities (PC) Sept - Desk study/Review of PC (starting from September) Sept/Dec ESCAP - TF prepare and discuss guidance material for pilot study July-Dec Deadline TC Session TF
The next steps(2011~2012): Activities Period Responsibility - Finalize guidance material for pilot study and send it to PC Jan 2011 TF - PC prepare the plan in consultation with TF 2011 - TF provide additional information/advice - Implement pilot study(TF member visit PC) PC - TF report to Annual session Jan 2012
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