Integrated Care Services (ICARES) Ruth Williams ruth. williams2@nhs Integrated Care Services (ICARES) Ruth Williams @icares_SWBH
Outcomes Staff Experience 100+ staff changed base, line manager, hours of working & way of working with no grievances Staff satisfaction survey – 94% know what is expected of them & 90% report someone at work cares about them as a person Responsiveness Urgent rehab can start within 3 hours 8am – 8pm 7 days a week Wait for rehab and reablement dropped from 40 days to an average of 11 days Bed occupancy has increased from 85% - 93% with 92% of patients return home from nursing home based IMC beds in under 6 weeks Patient experience 95% of patients rate the service as 8 or more out of 10 in the friends and family test 77% of patient set rehab goals are achieved with 100% success (90% full and part achieved)
Leaders’ Behaviours UPWARDS, ACROSS AND DOWN Listen all the time - Hear the context & patient voice Trust as a leadership team increases bravery, challenge & momentum Believe with passion in the goal, its infectious Honesty & openness Share leadership tools it helps support and challenge Learning styles questionnaire on line Fishers change curve Ask (expect) staff to perform – they will Care about the people this improves relationships, communication, challenge, outcomes Behaviour breeds behaviour / What you permit you promote (Halligan) Embrace challenge & constructive awkwardness Feedback praise & recognition Focus on the patient outcomes & impact Set a date, it becomes real, its not going away Tenacity to keep going. Where are you on the change curve? Repeat as above over and over
How did we ensure engagement UPWARDS, ACROSS AND DOWN Conscious communication Emotional Theoretical / Analytical Policy & Process Driven Varied communication styles Tell stories Newsletters, emails Be visible, open door, walk the walk Shared the context, the data & the patient voice Unions / Leaders / Commissioners / GPs / The staff (via LiA) / Patients Honesty & openness. We are not perfect, its OK to say sorry. Asked (expected) staff to perform – they will, they know the solutions & are more creative Fed back praise & recognition Celebrated the successes & acknowledged the issues Focused on the patient outcomes & impact. Never gave up
Learning Focus on outcomes & commissioning Use the evidence base Cant communicate too much Ask for help The teams know the answers Tolerance of difference There is nothing to hide The theorists need to know why The reflectors need to reflect The power of the data & patient stories to keep the momentum going