Continuous Improvement IS&T In order to enhance student learning and facilitate efficient practices in our schools and departments, the IS&T mission is to support schools, departments and community by providing effective and innovative technology and services. Tuesday, March 5, 2013 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Desired Results: Improved two-way communication Create a technology Plan Professional Development Establishing the Why? Key Priority #1 Excellence in Student Learning World Café Next Action Steps
Community Builder In triads: Introduce yourself Identify why you are here and What you hope to accomplish
Objectives Identify key components necessary for effective two-way communication to occur between IS&T and schools. Identify technology and professional development needs at the school level. Establish the why and make the connection between this work and the Strategic Plan.
Excellence in Student Learning Why: In everything we do our prime directive is to develop future leaders who maximize talents and interests to their fullest potential. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions: College and Career Ready + Engaged and Well-Rounded Student Learners + Teachers are Student Customer-Centered = Excellence in Student Learning Cherryl:
Excellence in Student Learning IS&T Improvement Think-pair-share, teachers will brainstorm ideas for organizational improvements as they relate to excellence in learning. Group the items on the Circle Map into like categories. Identify common themes and/or categories?
World Café Jill Hoppe: What will help the two-way communication between IS&T and schools? Cheyana Leiva: What key components should campuses consider when developing a long-term technology plan and why? Dean Kirkpatrick: What professional development is needed to ensure staff members can effectively use technology? World Café participants will engage in a collaborative conversation to generate ideas. Participants will divide into 3 groups that will travel to each host engaging in focused conversation. The host will capture ideas from the brainstorming conversation. Groups return to their original home base, summarize the major ideas and themes expressed and report out. Jill: At the end of the last round, host a full-group discussion, exploring what people learned – What was new or surprising? What recurring themes did they hear? What divergent thoughts were expressed? A potential wrap-up question might be “if this room had only one voice, what would it be saying?”
World Café ah-ha’s Using the comments from the World Café What are your take away’s?
Process Check + Plus Delta Next Steps