Joshua McGrew, August 2019
KINDNESS COUNTS Blind Date? To the children To your colleagues To the parents and volunteers I would ask here if anyone has been on a blind date and then elaborate on that topic. It’s good to use your powerpoint to get the audience involved, if not you’re just another guy talking. kindness counts as a teacher and principals often know more than just how you may treat them. Everyone on staff is part of a team and should be treated as equal colleagues – the custodian, the secretary, the teacher assistants, everyone.
FUNCTIONS OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL HOURS Work the game clock at a local school event Chaperone a school dance Join the PTO It was once expected that teachers were at the majority of extra-curricular events, however, this has become less and less the norm. So when new teachers are at events, principals take note. Sometimes you can also make a little extra money working the game clock or chaperoning an event. Regardless, the kids and parents (and principals) notice that you care.
DISPLAY GREAT WORK When principals walk through the halls or pass through classrooms, they will note what is displayed. This is not only a great way to help promote students taking pride in their work, but also an easy way to do some great PR for your class.
YOU ARE NOW A PROFESSIONAL This isn’t just an hourly J-O-B like you may have had in the past. This isn’t an unpaid internship (a.k.a. student teaching). You are now in a career that is one of the most influential in the lives of others. And exceptional professionals in any career know that their work is not an 8:00-4:00 commitment. If you want to be more than average, if you want to impress, you need to know that there is no substitute for hard work. Principals know who puts in the time to make their classes great
ASK QUESTIONS Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know something Don’t put up a façade of perfection We were all in your shoes at one point in time