Abatan, Buguias, Benguet San Isidro Parish Abatan, Buguias, Benguet
Various Values of Liturgical Days 1.) Sunday It is the original feast day and the weekly commemoration of the resurrection of the Lord, going back to apostolic times. It is, therefore, a day of special importance and can be replaced by only by the solemnities or by feast of the Lord. Following the Jewish custom of the Sabbath celebration, the Sundays already begin on Saturday evening.
2.) Solemnity: This is the feast day of greatest importance, and it can have as its content a mystery of the Lord or a saint. Because of their importance solemnities not only begin on midnight, but on the evening of the preceding day, to allow a good spiritual preparation and to set the mood of festivity. Several of the solemnities have their own special Vigil Mass that may be celebrated on the eve before.
2. 1. ) Movable Solemnities:. Dates differ from year to year. 2. 2 2.1.) Movable Solemnities: Dates differ from year to year. 2.2.) Fixed Solemnities: Days are unchanging.
3.) Feasts They are commemorative celebrations of an event of the life of Christ: (e.g., February 2: Presentation of the Lord, August 6: Transfiguration), or of a Saint that is of special importance.
3.1) Movable Feast: Dates are not fixed but move from year to year. 3.1.1. Feast of the Holy Family 3.1.2. Baptism of the Lord.
3.2) Fixed feasts: 3.2.1. Feast of the twelve apostles 3.2.2
4.) Memorial It is a simple remembrance of a saint, whenever possible it is celebrated on his birthday to eternal life, i.e., on the day of his death.
4.1. Obligatory Memorial: It is the commemorative celebration of the of a saint of universal importance and should therefore be celebrated in the church throughout the world.
4.2. Optional or Facultative Memorial: A commemorative celebration of a saint whose observance is left to the left to the discretion of the individual; 95 of these memorials are listed in the calendar. It is obvious that the memorials are very much subject to change.
The list of the saints to be celebrated in a local church should be truly expressive of its cultural and historical background. At the same time it should not be forgotten that a local church is part of a catholic (worldwide) and missionary church.
5.) Weekdays or Ferial Days They have different values. Ash Wednesday and Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week are of greatest importance and take precedence over all other celebrations. The weekdays of advent from December 17-24 inclusive, the days within the octave of Christmas and the weekdays of Lent give way to solemnities and feast but not to memorials. All other weekdays yield to solemnities and feasts or are combined with memorials.