ENTERING THE CLASSROOM Class Leader calls class to ATTENTION At ATTENTION behind desk Take SEATS – Say: “Per Ardua Ad Astra” Work on Black Book
English 7th Grade
Starter: Black Book What am I writing: WHATEVER you choose! How long does it have to be? 6 minutes to write What’s the point? Writing! Writing! Writing!
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Mode Let others think too Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: Let others think too I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode: Let others think too In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
Entry 79: Today’s Objective 14Sep17 I will show evidence that I understand perspective by writing a successful RACER.
Entry 80: Word Wall 14Sep17 Evidence to prove or disprove something; proof Example Sentence My RACER was evidence that I understood the concept.
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: Let others think too I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Entry 81: RACER Question 14Sep17 How is the perspective of Salva different from the perspective of his Uncle? On a separate sheet of paper, write a RACER answering this question!
QUIET MODE--REQUIRED How is the perspective of Salva different from the perspective of his Uncle? R: Rewrite the question into a sentence Salva’s perspective is different from his uncle’s because… A: Address the question—tell your reader something you know Salva sees things as a ________ but his uncle sees things… C: Cite your source (Chapter 6!!) In the text, the uncle says, “… OR In the text, Salva thinks, “… E: Explain how your citation fits the question R: Restate the main idea of your paragraph Salva sees things differently from his uncle because…
Perspective Art Project WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE BACK Your project is due tomorrow Final Draft (white poster board) Colored! Your name on the back HOMEWORK: UPDATE YOUR READING LOG and BLACK BOOK—they are both due tomorrow!
END OF CLASS Quiet Mode: Let Others Think Too Planner check by class leader (homework must be recorded for each class period today) SECURE YOUR GEAR Class, ATTENTION Dismissal by group