Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays with Suzaku Katsuji Koyama, Kyoto University Posters : 85 -- 88, 91--96 Origin of 6.7/6.9 keV Lines : Collisional Excitation or Charge Exchange : Diffuse or Point Sources (2) Discoveries of New SNR Candidates (3) Origin of 6.4 keV Line : X-Ray Reflection or Electron Bremsstrahlung : Time Variability of the 6.4 keV clumps.
3-Color Image Red: 6.7 keV Blue: 6.4 keV Green: 2.45 keV Energy 6 7 8 Fe24+Kα Fe25+Kα Fe24+Kβ Fe Kα Ni26+Kα Fe24+ Kβ Fe25+Kβ Ni27+Kα Ni Kα Si12+Kα Si12+Kβ Ar16+Kβ Ar16+Kα Si13+Kα Ca18+Kα Ca19+Kα Ar17+Kα S14+Kα S15+Kα S14+Kβ Energy 3-Color Image Red: 6.7 keV Blue: 6.4 keV Green: 2.45 keV
Charge Exchange or Collisional Excitation ? H-like Observed (eV) Lab δ (eV) ----------------------------- S Lya 2622 (+4-3) 2622 0 Fe Lya 6970 (+3-2) 6966 4 Mn Ka 5900 (+2-1) 5895 5 Energy Scale Check Using the H-like Lyα And Neutral Kα Origin of 6.7/6.9 keV Line Charge Exchange or Collisional Excitation ? Collisional Excitation 6680-6685 eV Charge Exchange 6666eV f r i r He-like Ka complex i f l l He-like Fe Ka = 6680 (+-1) eV: Close to 6680-6685eV in Collisional Excitation
Collisional Excitation ? 6.7keV-Map 6.4keV-Map 30 pc Sgr A* Charge Exchange or Collisional Excitation ? No Correlation of the 6.7 keV Map with the 6.4 keV Cloud (More H2)
H-like Ka is very narrow Fe velocity < 1000 km/s Lyman Series n>8 n=1 Collisional Excitation (High Temperature Plasma) is more likely Origin for 6.7/6.9 keV
All the results are consitent with the plasma of kTi ~ kTe=6.5 keV. Plasma Parameters Ionization Temperature (kTi) Fe Kα H-like/He-like: kTi=6.5 keV +/- 0.1 keV Fe Kβ H-like/He-like: kTi=5.1 keV + 1.5 -1.0 keV Ni Kα H-like/He-like : kTi=9.3 keV +1.6 -2.5 keV Electron Temperature (kTe) He-like Fe Kβ/Kα : kTe=6.2 keV +3 -1 keV H-like Fe Kβ/Kα : kTe > 6.5 keV (lower limit) (Centroid of He-like Kα moves with Ionization temperature due to the satellite lines) The Center Energy of Kα (He-like) : kTi= 2.5~6.5 keV All the results are consitent with the plasma of kTi ~ kTe=6.5 keV.
Is this high temperature (6.5 keV) plasma due to unresolved point sources ? No it is diffuse. Temperatures (6.9/6.7) are constant at l=-0.4~+0.1 deg. The 6.7 keV flux is smooth. The continuum flux is smooth, But integrated point source flux peaks at Sgr A* 6.9/6.7 keV: Temperature Sgr A East Continuum flux Point source flux 6.7 keV flux Sgr A East
2. Discovery of New SNR Candidates 6.7 keV map 2.45 keV map
2-temperature + Power-law G0.61+0.01 NH (1022 cm-2) 9.7 (+-0.1) kTH (keV) 6.0 (5.5-6.4) kTL (keV) 1.21 (1.18-1.30) ZS 1.17 (1.07-1.24) ZAr 1.20 (1.07-1.33) ZCa 1.18 (1.03-1.33) ZFe 2.63 (2.54-2.70) Γ 0.87 (0.84-0.91) Sgr A East G0.61+0.01 G0.61+0.01 NH (1022 cm-2) 16 (23-13) kT (keV) 3.2 (5.5-2.3) ZFe 5.1(7.5-2.6)
: Interstellar absorption to the GC NH (1022 cm-2) 8.1 (6.8-9.9) kT (keV) 0.79 (0.59-0.98) ZS (solar) 1.1 (0.7-1.5) Flux (2-10keV) 10-13 ergs/cm2/s 9.4 (4.4-10.0) Lx (1034 ergs/s) 4.1 G359.4-0.13 NH (1022 cm-2) 9.4 (9.0-22.7) kT (keV) 0.71(0.68-0.78) All the SNR candidates have NH ~1023 Hcm-2 : Interstellar absorption to the GC
3. Discovery of 6.4 keV clumps Origin of the 6.4 keV clumps Is this Inner shell Ionization by Electrons or X-rays ? 6.4 keV Map
Inner Shell Ionization Electrons vs X-rays --------------------------------------------- Equivalent witdh (keV) of the 6.4 keV line 0.3 - 0.6 1 - 1.5 Energy (keV) of the Max Cross Section 10-100 7.1 Absorption Depth NH (cm-2) ~1021 ~1024 1021 1024
6.4 keV Clumps Radio Arc Sgr B1 NH (1022cm-2) (NFe) 22 (19-25) Power-law (Γ) 1.69 (1.65-1.73) Line center (eV) 6401 (6398-6408) Equivalent Width (keV) 1.07 (0.85-2.27) Sgr B1 NH 1022cm-2 18 (13-32) Power-law Γ 1.3 (0.7-2.3) line center (eV) 6402 (6394-6412) Equivalent width (keV) 2.1 (1.5-3.0)
NH (1022cm-2) 34 (27 - 49) Power-law (Γ) 1.5(1.4-1.6) 6.4 keV (eV) 6398 (6382-6403) Equivalent Width (keV) 1.2 (0.6-1.3) Sgr C M359.5-0.2 NH (1022cm-2) 85 (60 - 108) Power-law (Γ) 1.1 (0.9-1.2) 6.4 keV (eV) 6402 (6390-6411) Equivalent Width (keV) 1.7 (1.5-1.9)
Sgr B2 NH (1022cm-2) 96(88-121) Power-law (Γ) 3.2 (2.6-4.1) 6.4 keV (eV) 6399 (6394-6404) Equivalent Width (keV) 1.13 M0.74-0.09 NH (1022cm-2) 40 (29-54) Power-law (Γ) 1.4(0.7-1.8) 6.4 keV (eV) 6406 (6400-6412) Equivalent Width (keV) 1.55
All show Kα, Kβ, and K-edge absorption have equivalent width of 1.1 – 2.1 keV have K-edge absorption of 1.8 – 9.6 x 1023 cm-2 >> 1 x 1023cm-2 (the interstellar absorption to the GC) Thus X-ray ionization is more likely. We further observed large time variability
ASCA(1994) Chandra(2000) XMM(2004) Suzaku(2005) The 6.4 keV map of the Sgr B2 Region changed radmatically ASCA(1994) Chandra(2000) XMM(2004) Suzaku(2005)
X-ray Front Sgr B2 M0.74-0.09 Time Variability of Sgr B2 & M0.74-0.09 Suzaku 2005 X-ray Front Sgr B2 XMM 2004 Chandra 2000 ASCA 1994 M0.74-0.09 Suzaku XMM 10 pc Time Variability of Sgr B2 & M0.74-0.09
Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays Conclusion of the Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays (1) Origin of 6.7/6.9 keV Lines 1-1. High Temperature Plasma in CIE 1-2. Diffuse Emission (2) We Discovered New SNR Candidates (3) Origin of the 6.4 keV Line 3-1. X-Ray Reflection 3-2. The 6.4 keV clumps near Sgr B2 are time variable reflecting an Outburst of Sg A*.