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Presentation transcript:

FALL QUARTER REGISTRATION ARE YOU PREPARED TO REGISTER? Do you have your list of possible classes? Do you have the CRNs for the classes? Do you know your Math and English placement? Transitions Registration Updated -7/5/19– AA Faculty/Staff Advisor covers this slide. Welcome to your Transitions Registration Session! When you leave here today, you will have a schedule of classes for fall quarter! Now we are going to take you through the registration process step-by-step. Pay attention, because we will show you snapshots of what the process looks like so you are ready when it is time for you to register. Connect with Advising: facebook.com/WWUAdvising @WWUAdvising

PHASES OF REGISTRATION Faculty/Staff Advisor covers this slide. At Western there are a few different phases to registration that are important to review with you. At Transitions we help you learn how to review your academic plans in order to prepare for and register for classes. After Transitions, you will register on your own at any computer by navigating Web4U as we will show you and do today. Prepare for registration each quarter by checking your specific registration time in Web4U. It’s also helpful to review your academic goals and next steps with coursework to keep moving forward. The Viking Advisor has Tips for Developing a Balanced Schedule (p. 47, or pg. 8 in DTA version). Remember to create several possible class schedules. Phase I marks the beginning of registration for continuing students and access time is based on the number of completed credits. Students may register for up to 18 credits. We are currently in Phase I of registration for new students. Phase II of registration allows for online schedule changes and registration for up to 20 credits. Some departments remove restrictions on courses at the start of Phase II. This is also the first opportunity for new students to access the waitlist. Phase II begins August 27th at 8:30am. Phase III starts the first day of the quarter and ends at midnight on the fifth day of the quarter. Please note that waitlisting for courses concludes with the end of Phase III. Beyond Phase III, schedule changes (either adding or dropping a class) should be carefully considered and must be done in person at the Registrar’s Office in Old Main 230. Now Aug. 27 Sept. 25 Viking Advisor pg. 50 (pg. 6 of the DTA version)

CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS ASA begins here, and continues up until the WELS information slides. Let’s get started by going to Western’s home page at www.wwu.edu where we will access Web4U to register via your myWestern portal. Select ‘myWestern,’ then select ‘Sign In.’

UNIVERSAL LOGIN Log in using your username (first part of your WWU email address) and password (which you created). Make sure all students can log in before moving on.

myWESTERn PorTAL This is your myWestern portal. As a reminder from here you have: Access to your email (which you should check daily, as it is Western’s official means of communication with you), And access to Canvas (which is the online component to some of your classes). 2. Select ‘Web4U’ at the top of your myWestern page to prepare for registration.

NAVIGATING WEB4U As a reminder, Web4U is where you can find information about your financial aid, student records, and update your personal information. For registration, select ‘Student,’ then select ‘Registration.’

CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS From the registration screen, click on ‘Check Your Registration Status’ to be sure that any holds you may have had earlier are now resolved. On the next screen, select ‘Fall 2019 from the drop-down menu and click ‘Submit.’

CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS This slide has animation to highlight information. On the ‘Check Your Registration Status’ page you will see information about your earliest opportunity to register. Your registration status should be listed as today’s date at 3:35pm. Hopefully you all will see 4 green check marks – everyone that has 4 green check marks please raise your hand. Click for animation. If you don’t have 4 green check marks, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘View Holds.’ After the presentation, raise your hand so an advisor can assist you. Click for animation. If you have requested an override and it has been processed, the information will be listed on this page.

WEB4U REGISTRATION MENU To return to the registration menu, click on the ‘Student’ tab at the top of the page, then select Registration, and then click ‘Add/Drop Classes’ to register. Using the back button on your web browser may cause problems.

STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NOTICE ASAs Read the following in its entirety. Next, you will see a notice from the Student Health Center. Please read the notice discussing meningitis and then click ‘acknowledge’. This notice includes information that meningitis can cause a life-threatening disease that will closely resemble influenza symptoms and lead to death or permanent disabilities within 48 hours. This notice does not mean that we currently have it on campus, but that there is a higher risk of it spreading while being in close proximity to others, particularly living in the Residence Halls. If you have not already received the meningitis vaccine, or it has been more than five years, you should consider revaccination. The Student Health Center on campus offers the vaccine during the academic quarters for a small fee.

ADD/DROP CLASSES This is the ‘Add/Drop Classes’ page you will use every quarter to register for classes. You will enter your five-digit CRNs for the courses you want to register for into the boxes. Then click ‘Submit Changes.’ You may enter the CRNs for all the classes you wish to register for either separately or all at the same time. Entering CRNs for multiple sections of the same class will result in an error message.

WEB REGISTERED Here is a sample schedule of classes. Note that ‘Web Registered’ means you are successfully registered for those classes. You can use the Action drop down box to ‘Web Delete’ if you wish to drop a class. Confirm your total number of credits and review the course numbers and titles to confirm you are registered for the correct courses. If you still need to find classes or would like to check on class availability, you may find it helpful to open ClassFinder in another page/tab.

REGISTRATION ERRORS Here is an example of a registration add error—in this case there was a time conflict. Web4U will not allow you to register for classes when times overlap. If the error indicates that the class is ‘Closed,’ meaning it is full, you should look to see if another section of that class is available or register for an alternate class. In late August, you will also have the option to add your name to a waitlist which we will cover next. Other common registration errors occur if you do not have the required prerequisite or if a class is restricted to majors only. If you have other registration add errors, check with an advisor and we can help identify and possibly correct the error. After you have a full schedule, you can click ‘Week at a Glance’ at the bottom of the page to review your schedule in calendar view.

WEEK AT A GLANCE (SCHEDULE) In order to show the full week of classes, select ‘Next Week’ and then print your schedule. Raise your hand to have an advisor review your completed schedule.

WHAT TO DO WHEN A CLASS IS CLOSED Get registered for alternate courses today! Consider using the online waitlist system Available starting August 27th at 8:30am How the waitlist works: Step-by-step instructions are on your handout and in the Viking Advisor You may waitlist for as many classes as you choose You may waitlist for multiple sections of the same course Notification is via email (or opt-in for text message notification) If you receive a seat, you are responsible for registering for the class via Web4U Need help? Advisors can help you register for 14-16 credits today If a class is closed, register for other courses. It is important to make sure you have a full schedule today and do not depend on getting into a class from the waitlist. Western has an online waitlist system for full classes that will be available starting August 27th at 8:30am. If you are interested in using the waitlist, we’ve provided a handout with step-by-step instructions. Here are a few details: You may waitlist for as many classes as you choose You may waitlist for multiple sections of the same course Notification of an available seat is emailed to your WWU account (or you may opt-in for text message notification) If you receive a seat, you are responsible for registering for the class via Web4U Remember to register for a full schedule today. We can help you build a strong schedule that includes 14-16 credits.

WHAT TO DO AFTER REGISTRATION Western Educational Longitudinal Student (WELS) Survey Access the ‘Survey of Incoming Transfers’ via myWestern Faculty covers this slide. Information for making schedule changes is on your Information and Next Steps handout, on the backside of the Registration Waitlist Information. You can make changes to your schedule until noon tomorrow (or noon on Monday if today is Saturday), after which your next opportunity to make schedule changes will be August 27th at 8:30am. Once you have registered for your courses, we ask that you please complete a very important 15 minute survey from Western. The Survey of Incoming Transfer Students captures student perceptions of their experiences at previous colleges, their decision to attend Western, and their expectations for the future. Responses to this survey are used by administrators to measure change over a student’s time at Western, for assessment and accreditation endeavors, and to assess student needs.

WELS SURVEY Click the survey link Enter your W# starting with the ‘W’ Then, click ‘Continue’ Faculty/Staff Advisor covers this slide. Follow the instructions on screen to begin the survey. You will need to need to enter your W number including the ‘W.’ Remember to click ‘Submit’ at the end of the survey. You are free to leave when you are registered and an advisor has seen your schedule and the survey is completed. Please note that in a few days you will receive an email with another equally important survey about your experience here at Transitions. Please complete this brief survey to help us continue to improve the program. Have fun and let us know if you have any questions. Please watch your Western email for a 2nd ‘Transitions Experience’ survey

REGISTRATION Step 1: Register for a full schedule, raise your hand for assistance Step 2: Show an advisor your schedule Print from ‘Week-at-a-glance’ (click ‘Next Week’) Step 3: Complete the WELS Survey found on your myWestern page Step 4: Log off the computer and have a great first quarter at WWU! Remember to seek advising throughout your time at Western. We are here to help you! Faculty/Staff Advisor covers this slide. Leave this slide up during registration. Here are your registration instructions on what to do once registration begins at 3:35 and for after you have finished registering. Have accurate information, particularly course reference numbers, on hand and your list of alternate classes in case some choices are filled. Refresh the Classfinder website often to check for changes. Remember to watch for prerequisites and restrictions on all the classes you would like to register for. Show your schedule to an advisor when you are registered. Raise your hand if you have any questions and we will help you as quickly as we can! Connect with Advising: facebook.com/WWUAdvising @WWUAdvising