Supporting Adoption and Implementation of Standards IESBA Nashville, USA June 17, 2019
International Standards Adoption Ecosystem Membership Criteria & SMOs Country and Member Adoption Profiles Outreach and engagement Input to standards Implementation review Protect assets and provide access Translation permission Membership Requirements Monitoring& Reporting Advocacy & Standards Input Implementation Guidance Intellectual Property Capacity Building Member surveys and Assessments Action plans and diagnostics Knowledge Gateway Guides and application resources Articles, videos, etc Donor engagement Country-specific projects
A&I: 2019 IFAC Strategy Provide feedback and input on standards development On behalf of key constituents (SMPs, PAIBs, emerging economies) Formal comment letters and task force members Promote and monitor adoption Advocacy and stakeholder relations Gather and disseminate data on adoption Facilitate implementation Development and sharing of knowledge, guides, best practices Development Adoption Implementation
Smart Collaboration – IFAC & SSBs Improved understanding of key stakeholders Align the “what”, “when”, and “how” Standards with greater complexity and new concepts Resources: Staff, Committees, FoF, Technical experts Extend PAO and firm collaboration and participation Leverage technology and explore future product platforms
2019 A&I Initiatives – IESBA Project / Initiative “Decoding the Code” (name TBD) IFAC taking forward awareness raising initiative, building off of the initial work done by the IESBA Roll-out WG. A&I of the Revised and Restructured Code Deep-Dive on Code of Ethics (part of Global Status Report series) to provide lessons relevant to adoption of restructured Code and assist understanding of early A&I experiences. IESBA eCode IFAC Director of Q&D and Head of IP part of eCode Working Group Finalization of eCode for launch and Phase 2 Development of policies and guidance for adoption Implementation Review Forward planning to support implementation review for NOCLAR and Long Association
2019 A&I Initiatives – Other SSBs International Standard In Progress and Forward Planning ISA 540 auditing estimates 3 products, with CPA Canada and SMP Committee assistance: Implementation tool | Client briefing doc | Gateway Video Panel Total Quality Management (TQM) Major support for ED awareness and input process Forward planning to consider types of A&I resources needed IPSAS adoption 3 article series on current issues relevant to IPSAS adoption, including an article on technology considerations Audits of Less Complex Entities Awareness raising (support with Paris event; 100+ attendees) Translation of consultation paper into Spanish and French IFAC Head of SMP participation in Task Force ISA 700 auditor’s report Implementation review ISA 315 risk assessments Forward planning re expanded promotion and implementation support
2019 A&I Initiatives – Other International Standard In Progress and Forward Planning SMPC Input 2 submission letters to date; 6 more anticipated by Dec 31
A&I Support: Beyond ‘deliverables’… A refreshed approach to deeper and more productive SSB-IFAC connectivity & collaboration Major SSB outreach e.g., Indonesia, Russia, World Bank, CReCER and standard setters forum, Audit & Ethics NSS meeting, PAIBC, PAODC, etc. Enhanced outreach approaches – webinars, Code roll-out Handbook and Website SSB analysis software & other technology priorities, etc…. IFAC Global Knowledge Gateway