Identity Technical Definition: the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another Identity divided into Individual Identity and Group Identity Individual Identity can be categorized as Inner and Outer “The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self” – Søren Kierkegaard Identity includes realities of self and expression of self - the totality of one's self-construal
Types of Identity Group Identity Individual Identity Sense of belonging to a particular group Social influences within a group Social category Interpersonal interaction among group members Based on social comparison - “Us and Them” relation Identity that you develop about yourself Evolves over the course of your life. Includes aspects you do and do not have control over Where you grew up Color of your skin Choices you make in life How you spend your time What you believe.
Individual Identity Expressions Inner Identity Outer Identity What kind of person are you when no one else is around? How do you identify yourself? Personality alone Likes/Dislikes Comforts/Discomforts Hopes/Dreams How do you express your identity to other people? How do you think other people identify you based on what you show on the outside? Physical traits Clothing/style Actions/gestures Personality with others
Aspects of Identity Genetics Choices Employment Personality Introvert vs. Extrovert Habitual emotional states Common behavioural responses to environment Psychological influences Background(s) Culture Religion Racial identity Sexuality Life Education Socio-economic standing Political views Gender Genetics Physical appearance Health (physical and mental) Sex Choices Fashion Likes/dislikes Hobbies Employment Training Expertise Anything that makes You