What is Careers Lab? How do we make sure the jobs we do will match our skills abilities and aspirations? Careers Lab will help us explore and find our way through the world of work, with Business Ambassadors coming to school each year. Set the context for the session using the lesson plan and notes from the first slide. Inspire
Aims of ‘Inspire’ To broaden your understanding of the range of roles and jobs available by exploring the career pathway of the Business Ambassador/s. To recognise the link between aspirational figures and your own lives. To identify skills and qualities used in every job and to recognise their importance to achieving success. Explain the learning outcomes for the session using the lesson plan. Inspire
Icebreaker: A - Z of Jobs Challenge Task: Working in pairs you have 5 minutes to think of a job title for each letter of the alphabet. Write your job titles in your A-Z jobs table, in your student booklet Then discuss with your partner what each job role is. A to Z of jobs Activate your fun balloon timer here The Business Ambassador may be able to help provide an A –Z of jobs in their own organisation to enrich the content of this part of the session Inspire
A - Z of Jobs Challenge A Accountant, Aviation Engineer, Artist, Actuary, Administrator, App Designer, App Tester, Art Buyer, Art Director N Nurse, Neurologist, Network Technician, Network Manager B Brand Engagement Manager (Consultant/ Designer) Business Analyst, Business Operations Consultant O Optician, Occupational Therapist, Operations Manager C Civil Engineer, Creative Content Director, Customer Service Advisor, Call Centre Manager, Community Relations Manager, Cartographer P Programmer, Paramedic, Prison officer, Police Officer, Phlebotomist, Publicist D Dentist, Doctor, Dietician, Data Analyst, Digital Empowerment Manager, Dispatch Operative Q Quality controller, Quantity Surveyor, Quality technician E Event manager, E-Commerce Business Analyst, Environmental Health Officer, Ecologist R Recruitment Consultant, Research Assistant, Reliability Engineer F Facilities manager, Florist, Fashion Designer, Fitness Instructor S Sales Manager, Sports coach, Sports Development Officer, Solicitor, Service technician G Graphic Designer, Games Developer, Geologist T Teacher, Television Presenter, Trainer, Translator, Technical Manager, Transport Planner, Transport manager H Human Resource Manager, Housing Officer U Undertaker, Underwriter I IT Systems Administrator, IT Technician, Insurance Advisor, Interior Designer V Vet, Volunteer Coordinator J Judge, Joiner, Journalist, Job Centre Adviser, Junior Software Engineer W Web Designer, Warehouse Operative, Waste Collector K Kitchen Porter, Key Account Manager X X-Ray Technician, Xylophone Player L Librarian, Laboratory Technician, Legal Secretary, Logistics Manager Y Youth Worker M Marketing Assistant, Maintenance Engineer Z Zoo Keeper
Welcome to our Business Ambassador. Please welcome our Business Ambassador. We will now hear from the ambassador about their job role and what this involves. Please make notes in your student workbook. Who do you work for and what is your job role? How long have you worked there? What skills and qualities do you need to have, to do your job? What’s the best thing about your job? Hardest thing? Any questions from the class? Introduce the Ambassador and engage the class in a discussion, asking questions to learn more about the Business Ambassadors experiences ,career progression and their organisation. Inspire
Spot the Difference: What do these words have in common? Skills and qualities that employers look for…. But which is which?
A skill is something you do or learn. Spot the Difference: Skills and Qualities A skill is something you do or learn. A quality is something that you are. Complete the ‘Your Skills and Qualities’ worksheet with the skills and qualities you feel you have. Use the Word bank to help you complete the diagram with your skills and qualities. Think about skills & qualities you use in each subject lesson, hobbies, school clubs, jobs you do at home Skill and qualities are often confused so it would be good to help students to understand the difference (although there is some overlap). Inspire
What does being successful mean? ‘Top Dog’ What does being successful mean? What can we learn from other successful people? Does our Business Ambassador/s have someone they admire? What other role models do the class admire?
And finally… For the Class For our Business ambassador; What would you tell someone at home about today? For our Business ambassador; What will you tell them back at work about today? Revisit the learning outcomes for the session and ask students what they have learnt today . Ask then to think of examples to think of some examples of how they can put these key messages into action. Inspire
Extra activities Take the Buzz Quiz online quiz to find out what animal you are. Twitter Job descriptions - 140 characters or less to identify/describe or guess your dream job. My ideal lifestyle. Create a poster/presentation of "Me at 25" - include aspects of place, type of work, salary, holidays, car etc. Ask students to think of some examples of how they can put these key messages into action. Inspire