Data collection
Recommended steps Send a pre-card (or make a telephone call) informing the subject that they will be receiving the questionnaire Make the initial mailing of the questionnaire packet The packet to include: Cover letter individually signed Questionnaire Pre-addressed, stamped return envelope insentive
Send a follow-up postcard or make a telephone call to non-respondens after the deadline indicated in the cover letter Send a second mailing of the complete questionnaire packet to non-respondents include a new cover letter Send a second follow-up postcard at the second dateline Call if need to, personal visit, telegram.
Include official sponsorship Consider the time of mailing the questionnaire Assure confidentiality Offer a summary of results Do not fold the packet Use short questionnaire Use personal appeal like HELP ME PLEASE
The cover letter What the study is all about Who is the sponsor of the research Why the respondents are important Promise of confidentiality What or where to direct questions Dateline Thank you Your contact number
The questionnaire Printed as a booklet Do not write questions on front and back page Provide high quality printing as close to the original Use soft colored paper Front cover: date; title of the study, name of the organization, graphic. No personal name should appear on the front page
Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia 2008 The Implementation Of Computer-aided Instruction In Malaysian Secondary Schools Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia 2008
Back cover Lots of white space No questions Thank you
Thank You For Your Cooperation