Notorious or Famous Foreigners’ Perspectives on Taiwanese Special Food
Overview Introduction Questionnaire Analysis Motivation Conclusion Purpose Methods Representative Taiwanese Special Food Questionnaire Analysis Conclusion Reflection Indelible Experience References
Introduction “ The World’s most Disgusting Delicacies ” 2017/4/2 Introduction Taiwanese Special Food ranked the most disgusting food for some foreigners “ The World’s most Disgusting Delicacies ” -Forbes (08/05/2011) “CNN preserved eggs cooked … the devil voted the most evil food ” -CNN iReport (29/6/2011) Introduction: The CNN and Forbs have noted the preserved eggs and pig blood cake as the world’s top ten strange food. So, these inspired our interest in the widely-welcomed Taiwanese food, we want to find out why they are disgusting for some foreigners.
Motivation Taipei as One of the Seven Sinful Cities - “Gluttony” 2017/4/2 Motivation Taipei as One of the Seven Sinful Cities - The Difference between Eastern and Western Food Culture “Gluttony”,0
Purpose Why is Taiwanese special food for foreigners in Taiwan? 2017/4/2 Purpose Why is Taiwanese special food for foreigners in Taiwan? Appearance Smell Internal Organs Name of Food Why is Taiwanese special food for foreigners in Taiwan? “queer” Unacceptable Reasons? Research Question: Therefore, we come up with two research questions. The first question is to figure out the reason why Taiwanese delicacies are commonly not acceptable among foreigners. And we also want to know what makes foreigners reluctant to accept these delicious food.
Methods Questionnaire & Interview 200 foreigners 2017/4/2 Methods Questionnaire & Interview 200 foreigners Categorize 8 most Taiwanese special food into 4 parts Method: We conducted our research by distributing questionnaire to 200 foreigners in Taichung. In the questionnaires, we list 8 special foods as examples and sort them into 4 categories by their appearance smell internal organs and name of food. We also interviewed some foreigners in order to know their feelings and opinions on the Taiwanese food.
Appearance Duck Tongue Chicken Feet Made by Duck’s Tongue Chicken Claw 2017/4/2 Appearance Duck Tongue Made by Duck’s Tongue Chicken Feet Chicken Claw “Devil’s Finger” 俗語說的好:勿以貌取人;但是美食當前,最先判斷的就是它的外貌。 在外觀這一方面我們以鴨舌及雞爪為代表。 這兩種食物的相似處就是有著可怕的外觀。 There’s an old saying that don’t judge by the book by its cover. However, when choosing the food, the only and first you can judge is its appearance. We take duck tongue and chicken for example. You can see from the slide that the similarity between the two pictures is their terrible appearance.
Smell Stinky Tofu Preserved Egg 2017/4/2 Smell Stinky Tofu The process of making makes it smell “Stinky.” Preserved Egg CNN Described as “Devil-Cooked Food” 我們在氣味的分類上以臭豆腐以及皮蛋來做代表。(不會翻)臭豆腐算是外國人眼中名氣最響亮的特殊美食吧! 因為經過發酵,所以它的臭味真的會嚇跑人呢! 在皮蛋方面,除了preserved egg這個名字之外 他也被稱為 century egg。它深黑的顏色是經過一些鹼性較強的液體浸泡而成。根據CNN iReport 記者說道這道菜餚是惡魔煮的蛋! 且在世界最噁心食物中的排名也赫赫有名呢!(?) We make stinky tofu and preserved egg represent the delicacies having bad smell. The making process of stinky tofu is to put the tofu into the brine for several days. And the pungent smell and dark color of preserved egg is because of its process dip in alkali liquid(浸漬液 強鹼) According to the reporter from CNN, he described it as devil-cooked food.
Internal Organs Pig’s Intestines Chicken Gizzard Considered Dirty 2017/4/2 Internal Organs Pig’s Intestines Considered Dirty Chicken Gizzard Chicken Stomach Digestive Organ 在內臟來我們以雞胗以及豬大腸來做為代表。 首先雞胗是雞的胃部消化器官。 雞胗常常在被烹煮在滷味料理中,因為是器官的原因,許多外國人非常害怕這類食物。 豬大腸顧名思義就是取自豬的大腸部分,因為是大腸,這也是外國人敬而遠之的食物,他們無法接受的原因除了是器官之外,也認為十分不衛生 This kind of food is very common in Taiwan’s cuisine but because it is a kind of internal organ so many foreigners are very scared of it. This is a very special Taiwanese food, and it is a kind of digestive organ of pig, so some may think it’s dirty
Name of Food Pig Blood Cake Coffin Board 2017/4/2 Name of Food Pig Blood Cake Misunderstood: “Sweet Cake” with Pig Blood Coffin Board Chinese meaning: Promotion Fortune 在食物名稱這方面我們以豬血糕以及棺材板為代表。 英譯把豬血糕中的「糕」譯成cake,Pig blood cake容易讓外國人以為是「用豬血做成的蛋糕」,噁心指數瞬間飆高,對於第一次聽到的外國人當然會避之唯恐不及。此外,豬血糕被富比士評為世界十大最噁心的食物榜首呢! 棺材板其實只是麵包加上濃湯的美味料理,由於其直譯怪異,雖然西方世界對於生死宗教比台灣來的開放,但是食物做的像棺材可能會使外國人認為吃了可能會有惡運!華人社會卻以「棺材」諧音「官、財」來寄寓吉祥之意。 Pig blood cake 「糕」is translated into “cake” which is easy for uninformed foreigners to mistake it is "made with pig blood cake." Of course, as foreigners will feel disgusted when they heard at the first time. Coffin Board It is made by toast with soup into. Foreigners consider the name of it a bad luck because of eating the “coffin-made-food.” But, the Chinese think「棺材」which represent「官、財」can alternatively be getting promotion and fortune.
Questionnaire Chart Analysis 2017/4/2 Questionnaire Chart Analysis The next is our questionnaire analysis.
Years Spent in Taiwan
The Most Unacceptable Reason of Taiwanese Special Food 2017/4/2 Appearance 38% 在這張圖表中,外國人最不想嘗試台灣小吃的原因為外觀,當外國人看到雞爪時,他們覺得不乾淨且上面還有指甲且其實雞爪有點類似人的手指部分,覺得很反胃 食物的名稱是全部中最少的是食物的名字。因為食物的名字不是他們注意的,因為通常接觸台灣特殊美食都是經過別人介紹,在介紹當中一定也看過然後也知道是如何做成的。 The most part in this pie chart is” Appearance”. For example, “chicken feet”, most foreigners think it is dirty and have finger nails. So it look lied really disgusting. Besides, they think chicken feet looks like human's finger so it make them feel scary. The less part in this pie chart is "name of food.“ Although the name of food is scary, but lots of foreigners are curious about the food or their friends’ suggestion.
Inappropriate Names of Taiwanese Special Food 2017/4/2 Pig Blood Cake & Coffin Board 53% 因為豬血糕這個名字就是以內容直接翻譯,加上糕這個字在英文沒有相對應的名稱,所以會對豬血糕有所誤解而認為是寫作的蛋糕。雞胗英譯Chicken gizzard,因為外國人不了解雞的器官,不知道雞的胃長什麼樣子,大多數人甚至沒聽過,所以很少人嘗試過。 From this pile chart we can find out that most foreigners mistake pig blood cake, no wonder that Forbes voted it as the world’s top ten strange food The name of food- Pig blood cake which is easy for foreigners thought it was the cake made with pig blood . The translation of Chicken gizzard which the organ of chicken is unfamiliar for foreigners and what the stomach it is , since some have ever heard this before, they have no idea what the “gizzard” is. Actually it’s the stomach of chicken.
Preference for Taiwanese Special Food 2017/4/2 Preference for Taiwanese Special Food Chicken Feet 3% Stinky Tofu 46% Forefingers prefer stinky tofu than we thought before. They said stinky tofu only smells very bad but it still tastes very delicious. From CNN and Forbs news we did find stinky tofu in the ranking, so it’s bearable for foreigners. We also can find out that the food sorted in terrible appearance is the last food they like.
2017/4/2 Conclusion
Conclusion For foreigners Appearance " Most Unacceptable Smell 2017/4/2 Conclusion For foreigners Appearance " Most Unacceptable Smell Most Popular ->Stinky Tofu Internal Organs Not Disgusting Name of Food Easily Misunderstood After our research we find that some food are reluctant for the foreigners because of its appearance. Although, some were not willing to accept these food , at last they fell in love with these food such as stinky tofu. According to our survey, many foreigners have mistaken our Taiwanese special food because of the different cultural in their country and the content of food. By contrast, Internal organ food is more acceptable for foreigners because most palatable food is made of Internal organs around the world. But almost every foreigner knows that some are digestive system and it is very dirty. By this survey, we understand the differences between eastern and western food culture, and try to promote our Taiwanese special delicacy.
Reflection Eastern & Western Food Culture We can try to promote the Taiwanese special food in different ways Promoting Food as “Soft Power”
Indelible Experience
References Copyright and trademark Reader’s Digest Association Far East Ltd. Reader’s Digest Asia Pet Ltd/ June 2011 / Editor-in-chief: Dora Check lethal. (Editorial office: Read Digest Asia, Singapore Post Centre, PO BOX 272, Singapore 914010)
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