What do you think of when you hear the word “Monday”? Take 1 minute and write down all the things that come to mind when you hear this word
Are the images in the poem similar to the those that came to your mind when you heard the word “Monday”? If so, how are they similar?
The Poet’s Job: How does the speaker describe the poet’s job? What does the poet do? What differences are there between the poet’s job and the other jobs mentioned in the poem? What is the significance of the window? Why is it important?
What is a Sonnet? Definition: a fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of 14 lines that are typically 5-foot iambics rhyming according to a prescribed scheme; also :a poem in this pattern (Merriam-Webster) These are usually love poems, written by a male suitor to persuade a woman to be his mistress. This is one of the older types of poems, dating back to medieval times (think of chivalric knights writing love poems to fair maidens).
Billy Collins Reading “Monday” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnxfIxtrQ94
How does hearing Billy Collins read his own poem, and hearing the audience’s reaction to it, affect your interpretation of the poem? Do you think it is meant to be humorous?