Changes in the Sector A brief overview
New Aged Care Quality Standards New Charter of Aged Care Rights Recently our sector has undergone significant changes Restructure of the Aged Care Quality Agency and Complaints Commissioner to create the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission New Aged Care Quality Standards New Charter of Aged Care Rights Funding extension for Commonwealth Home Support Program to 2022 Introduction of National Disability Insurance Scheme to all of Queensland Queensland Community Care ceased Queensland Community Support Scheme was introduced Creation of My Aged Care records for grandfathered clients
What does this mean for our MOW? Some of these changes have impacted on the way in which we do things. Our volunteers would have or will be asked to provide to clients information pertaining to these changes and need to be aware and understand many things pertaining to the MOW operation. As such we’d just like to give you a quick overview of these changes today.
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission The two entities that once looked after our audits and complaints were merged as of the 1 January 2019. This has created one entity that ensure the safety and quality of care in the Aged Care Sector in Australia. This has meant a change in terminology only in regards to who our clients can be referred to should they have an issue that they feel has not been resolved by approaching us or other care providers.
Aged Care Quality Standard As of the 1 July this standard replaced four other standards in operation within the sector. Written from the Consumer’s view point with the consumer as a focal point. States that all members of the Workforce be aware of many aspects of the business and be able to verbalise how they meet the standards. Below is a link to a short video:
Charter of Aged Care Rights Replacing three charter of aged care rights and responsibilities Clients have to be given the opportunity to sign the charter if they so wish to acknowledge it’s receipt We have a responsibility to ensure they understand the new charter and how it will assist the clients The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has supported the department with raising awareness and providing education about the new Charter of Aged Care Rights. Including booklets, posters and information sessions on the the new charter. For more information about these activities please visit the OPAN website
Charter of Aged Care Rights I have the right to: safe and high quality care and services be treated with dignity and respect have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported live without abuse and neglect be informed about my care and services in a way I understand access all information about myself, including information about my rights, care and services have control over and make choices about my care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of my daily life, financial affairs and possessions my independence be listened to and understood have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate, support me or speak on my behalf complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with fairly and promptly personal privacy and to have my personal information protected exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated
Funding changes The funding arrangements that we deliver meals under are now more varied. No longer do we just talk about under or over 65 (over and under 50 ATSI). Clients previously subsidized under QCC (Queensland Community Care) has changed to NDIS if eligible or QCSS (QLD Community Support Scheme) for short term if not eligible for NDIS funding Clients over 65 (or Over 50 ATSI) can now receive subsidized meals under Commonwealth Home Support Program, Home Care Packages or Short Term Restorative Care. Transition Care Program is another funding source that may be used to fund meals. Each funding model has a different financial contribution towards the cost of the meal.
Grandfathered Clients Grandfathered Clients are those to whom we have provided services to prior to the 1 November 2015. For those accessing services under Commonwealth Home Support Program, we are required to ask that a My Aged Care record be created for them to record the service they are receiving. This will give the government a clearer picture of what and who needs services to remain in their own homes. For those accessing QCC, prior to the 1 July 2019, they will just transition to the new program QCSS with little change to the way in which it operates.
SO many things to remember If you have any questions please ask! Queensland Meals on Wheels staff are available to answer any questions: Phone 1300 90 97 90 Email Rachael Speechley Volunteer Support