Integrative Physiology II: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Chapter 20 Integrative Physiology II: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Response to decreased or elevated Blood Pressure Figure 20-1: Integrated responses to changes in blood volume and blood pressure
Figure 20-2: Water balance in the body Body Water Balance Drinking & eating provides water Kidney conserves water so output = intake Figure 20-2: Water balance in the body
Figure 20-3: Role of the kidneys in water balance Body Water Balance Figure 20-3: Role of the kidneys in water balance
Water Balance Reflex: Regulators of Vasopressin Release Figure 20-7: Factors affecting vasopressin release
Sodium Balance: Intake & Excretion Figure 20-11: Homeostatic responses to eating salt
Angiotensin Pathway: Maintains BP , Volume & Osmolarity Angiotensinogen, ANGI, ANG II, rennin, & ACE Figure 20-13: The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway
Artial Naturetic Peptide: Regulates Na+ & H2O Excretion Figure 20-15: Atrial natriuretic peptide
Response to Dehydration & Osmolarity Imbalance Figure 20-17 : Homeostatic compensation for severe dehydration
Acid/Base Homeostasis: Overview Acidosis: plasma pH Protein damage CNS depression Alkalosis: plasma pH Hyperexcitability CNS & heart Buffers: HCO3- & proteins H+ input: diet & metabolic H+ output: lungs & kidney
Acid/Base Homeostasis: Overview Figure 20-18: Hydrogen balance in the body
Kidney Hydrogen Ion Balancing: Collecting Duct Type A Intercalated cells excrete H+ absorb HCO3- Type B intercalated cells absorb H+ secrete HCO3-
Kidney Hydrogen Ion Balancing: Collecting Duct Figure 20-22: Role of the intercalated cell in acidosis and alkalosis
Classifications of Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease.