University Library UvA Catalogue Word variants next = click.


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Presentation transcript:

University Library UvA Catalogue Word variants next = click

? or * replaces any number of characters Use wildcards boor? comput? ? or * replaces any number of characters Use wildcards to truncate or to replace characters in search terms

# replaces 0 or 1 character labo#r # replaces 0 or 1 character

wom!n ! replaces 1 character

Summary Use wildcards to find word variants ? and * : replaces any number of characters use* will find use, user, user-friendly etc. # : replaces 0 or 1 characters behavio#r finds behavior and behaviour, but not behavioral ! : replaces 1 character wom!n finds woman and women, but not womanhood Wildcards can be used both within and at the end of a term: Wom!n? finds woman, women, woman’s, women’s, womenswear, womanhood etc.