Slide Set I: PARS Overview
ACCME’s Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS)
Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS) PARS is a centralized, Web-based system for the collection and management of activity and program data from accredited providers
My Organization Tab View and edit contact information View your current accreditation information Edit your organization’s profile
Activities Tab Allows providers to add, update, and view their organization’s CME activities
Add activities one at a time, using the web-based entry form…
Or batch upload activities using tab-delimited or XML upload options.
Program Summary Tab Collects aggregated information about the income and expenses of your CME program
Get Help With PARS Click on “Help” to navigate to the PARS Help Page
Get Help With PARS Links on the PARS Help Page include Frequently-asked-questions Video Tutorials A “Contact Support” button to submit questions directly to your Accreditor
PARS FAQ’s FAQ’s provide answers to common questions about PARS FAQ’s also provide links to video tutorials Check it Out: “Ask ACCME”
Video Tutorials ACCME has created a series of video tutorials for PARS including: PARS Overview Tab-delimited Batch Upload Entering Activity Data Managing Contact Information Check it Out: “Tutorials”
When do I need to enter data in PARS? PARS is available for you to enter data at any time. Providers are encouraged to submit data as activities occur By March 31 of each year, all data for the prior reporting year must be submitted.
Slide Set II: Introduction to PARS
The ACCME’s Program and Activity Reporting System
What is PARS? Program & Activity Reporting System Web-based database application Report Activities for Accreditation Process Submit information previously collected through Annual Report (no new data requirements) PARS is a new tool, but expectations & process are the same; it just replaces Excel spreadsheet.
Value of PARS Designed to Streamline and Support Data Collection: Replaces PC-based spreadsheets with a Web-based portal Providers decide when and how often to input information Several options for entering activity data
Value of PARS Enhanced Data Reporting Offers the ability to download activity data for easy reference and analysis Optional data fields on activity topics, joint sponsors, and commercial support Ability to provide a more detailed and comprehensive picture of the national CME enterprise Supports efforts in demonstrating the value and scope of CME
Entering Activity Data Three Options for entry into PARS: Manually using the web form Best for providers that have a small to moderate number of activities to report Tab-delimited batch upload Best for providers with many activities per year and/or who have their own CME tracking system XML batch upload Best for providers with experience in XML formatting and/or appropriate technical support There are three different ways that you can enter activity data into PARS: 1. For organizations that only have a few activities to enter, your best option may be to enter your information manually via the web entry form – which we will look at in a few minutes. 2. For organizations that have a larger amount of data to enter, you may choose to use one of two batch upload – either a tab-delimited batch upload or an XML batch upload. To do an XML batch upload you will need to both be familiar with what XML is and have appropriate technical support for the process. The tab-delimited upload can be done by using an Excel template that we provide for you.
Exporting Activity Data Download a file containing all of your activity data: Use the “Download All Activities” link on the Activities tab. Data will be downloaded into a .csv file which you can save as a .xls (Excel) or other spreadsheet format.
PARS Demonstration
PARS Education Video Tutorials PARS FAQs
Slide Set III: PARS Education and Help Resources
Education and Help for the ACCME’s Program & Activity Reporting System (PARS)
PARS Education & Help Two primary resources: education & help built into the PARS application education & help available at
Help within PARS Click on “Help” here to be directed to a page with more information and helpful links. Links to education and help on ACCME’s website Hover over question mark icons for definitions or links to FAQs
Contacting Support On the “Help” page within PARS, there are two links that will allow you to email questions about the application to your Accreditor.
Education & Help on the Website Education tab on website view video tutorials
Ask ACCME PARS Questions and Answers at “Ask ACCME”
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