Higher Close Reading - Imagery Ms Nitsche
1. Check the dictionary for the meaning of ‘incongruous’. Starter “I sat at the big table and read all the papers: in public housing in Wolverhampton, the broadsheets are as incongruous and illuminating as an Eames lamp.” 1. Check the dictionary for the meaning of ‘incongruous’. 2. Comment on the writer’s use of imagery – how does it convey the importance of reading to her? YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES
HOW TO ANSWER – IMAGERY Step 1: Quote the image and identify the object of the image (the literal root). Step 2: Discuss the points of similarity of the image and any connotations the object itself may have. Step 3: Refer back to the question - explain how it helps you to imagine better the original idea.
Comment on the writer’s use of imagery in this line. EXAMPLE ‘The beautiful Argentinian countryside has been left scarred with miles and miles of concrete motorway.’ Comment on the writer’s use of imagery in this line.
EXAMPLE Steps Example Step 1: Quote the image and identify the object of the image (the literal root). “scarred” The object of the image is – scarred/a scar Step 2: Discuss the points of similarity of the image and any connotations the object itself may have. ‘Road’ - grey long never ending unattractive permanent ‘Scar’ - ugly leaves a mark doesn’t go away noticeable Step 3: Refer back to the question - explain how it helps you to imagine better the original idea. Just as a scar is unsightly, leaves a permanent mark on something which was once attractive, so too the road spoils the countryside and is a permanent mark on the land.
Look at the Charlie Brooker article in your Newspaper booklets. 1. Read lines 9-10: “…a lightshow for cattle” and comment on what this conveys about what the writer believes the cinema is offering. 2. Read lines 35-38. Comment on the imagery: “…like working your way through a hard-nosed…police…mini series.” What does it convey about the writer’s attitude to video games? 3. Read lines 48-49 and comment on the writer’s imagery: “…a demented series of puzzles” or “like being struck inside a physics-based logic problem…” Follow the formula and answer the above questions. YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES
In pairs, answer these questions using the formula. 1. “The shelves were supposed to be loaded with books--but they were, of course, really doors: each book-lid opened as exciting as Alice putting her gold key in the lock.” Comment on the writer’s use of imagery and how it describes her experience in a library. 2 marks 2. “They are cathedrals of the mind; hospitals of the soul; theme parks of the imagination.” Analysing the above images and comment on how they emphasise the importance of public libraries. 6 marks Be ready to feedback to the class.
Plenary On your yellow post-its, write down the following: One thing you feel confident about in Close Reading. One thing you feel you have improved on in the past few weeks. One thing you still struggle with. Please leave them on your desk when you go.