Role of AOKs in TOK The point of TOK is to study the knowledge questions behind different AOKs, NOT the actual corpus of AOKs
GROUP WORK What kind of knowledge framework do different AOKs have? Form six groups Each group is given one AOK Each group should find out the basic knowledge framework of their AOK with the help of the teacher’s handout
GROUP WORK Compare your answers to the ”correct” answers mentioned in the official TOK guide How similar or different were your answers in comparison to the official guide? Are the official answers well justified?
Importance of knowledge framework In TOK essays and TOK presentations knowledge framework should be applied always when covering different areas of knowledge
TASK What kind of knowledge questions can you create based on what you have learned from areas of knowledge? How can you connect different areas of knowledge? Can you incorporate WOKs into your KQ?
Picture Sources TOK curriculum <> Accessed 23rd of August 2016. IBO logo <> Accessed 23rd of September 2016. Knowledge framework. TOK-guide, first assessment 2015, page 29. Knowledge questions <> Accessed 25th of September 2017.