President Search “the most important work that this Board Will Ever Do” Our Next Steps: Search Firm and interim President Report to the Clark College Board of Trustees Vice Chair Jane Jacobsen & Trustee Paul Speer April 10, 2019 (w/meeting edits)
Headlines: Since Our march 1 meeting SEARCH FIRM VETTING Request for proposal released on March 29 to WEBS and others. Built from March 1 BOT material. Copy included in BOT packet. Thank you Stefani, Bob W & Lisa! OVERALL SEARCH PROCESS Detailed internal planning schedule created. Copy included in BOT packet. PROCESS TO IDENTIFY INTERIM Drafted process for review by BOT. Thank you Stefani. Drafted job description from March 1 BOT material for review by BOT and constituents. DELEGATION OF SPEAKING AUTHORITY Conducted on-request briefing for Foundation Board Chair & vice-Chair. Conducted several individual community member briefings. Briefed Kelly and will be moving to proactive milestone based communications this month. Initiated presidential search web page. Thank you Val/Colleen and Kelly/Hannah!
Search Firm Selection Timeline “RFP Evaluation Team”: Paul, Jane, Stefani, Bob W.
What do we need to accomplish today? Review and provide feedback on proposed process (and timing) for interim President search. (motion) Review and provide feedback on interim President position description. (For approval at April 24 BOT meeting) Review and refresh on overall timeline and process steps ahead. Preview of presidential search page for awareness.
Interim Selection Process: Background 610.025 Appointment Procedures For President allows for the BOT appointment of an acting or interim president, however provides little guidance on the matter. Per BOT March 1 meeting we would like a process that: Fits with our shared values for the overall search, and is recognizable to the college as aligned with shared governance, and is expedient. This implies something between the Full 610.025 process we will use for permanent President and BOT simply appointing someone.
Guide posts For our Search: Shared Values Reminder Incorporate social equity in every step of the process (position description, search pools, screening process, final selection, & onboarding) including training support for all who participate in the process. Student centric. RCW compliance around open public meetings and records. Transparent and inclusive. Leverage best practices from peers. Comply with college policies for procurement and hiring. Trust. “What will this mean in 50 years” mindset. Respect for confidentiality of candidates until final 3
Interim Selection Process: Key Features Include constituents (AHE, WPEA, ASCC, and Foundation in job description review) Use the President search firm for promotion & evaluation of qualified candidates. Firm submits 5 qualified candidates to screen team (Paul/Jane/Stefani). Screen team presents 2-3 qualified candidates to college and BOT for college interviews. Process steps mirror what has been used for EC positions of recent. Include input from 4 constituent groups, EC, President’s office staff, Social Equity Council, and college forum. BOT is decision maker (June 12). Align with 610.040 Appointment Procedures for Full-Time Permanent Administrative and Exempt Staff. Get it done before graduation to allow for college participation in interview process. Be willing to push selection to fall if right person does not emerge.
BOT Questions: Do we support this flow of steps? Do we support this timeline? Checkpoint for possible backup plan if additional candidates required
Timeline Recommended “Big Picture” outline Jan 2019 - Aug 2019: General plan agreed to, web site initiated, search firm selected, initial onboarding plan developed, interim in place with 1 month overlap with Bob. Sep 2019 – Jan 2020: Form and train search committee, finalize “profile” and other recruitment material Jan 2020 – hiring of finalist: Promotion and recruitment begins, potential candidates contacted (est. ~60 applicants, ~30 firm forwards to screen committee). Mar 2020 – Apr 2020: Applicant material reviewed, screen committee interviews, field narrowed (3), trustee interviews, campus interviews, site visits. Apr 2020 – May 2020: Finalist selected, contract negotiated, public announcement. May 2020 – Jul 2020: Transition process and onboarding begun, interim departs.
Continues through December 2020
Presidential Search Page: What and why Front door to the College for internal team, external community, and candidates for our search process. Modeled after Highline Community College and Everett Community College. A living page that will likely remain for a year+ after successful permanent President start date. One part of our strategy to be transparent and inclusive.
Presidential Search Page: Key features
What’s next up? Search firm selection Interim Vetting beginning April 19 BOT selection May 3 Contract and begin work Interim Constituent input and approve job description April 24 Begin search April 30 (or as approved by BOT) Vetting Contract & terms Selection June 12 Backup plan if we don’t find the right person