Power World User’s Work Group (PWUWG) Chair: Daniel Kuraspediani - BPA
Roadmap Currently using V.18 Total # of patches to date: Released in June 2014 Total # of patches to date: 44 Latest Patch to date: 1/29/15
PW 18 New Features & Updates: Aux files Model Explorer ATC Tool Case Information Displays Contingency Analysis Tool Fault Analysis File Formats GIC Integrated Topology Processing Model Explorer Oneline diagrams PV & QV Tools Powerflow Solution Options Sensitivity Calculations Time Step Simulation Transient Stability User Interface Dialogs http://www.powerworld.com/patch-releases/simulator-18
PWUWG #6 Discussion Topics: October 21 – 22, 2014 Attendance: 30 people – PW,TPWR,PSE,SCL,BPA,SNPD,AESO,AVA,Columbia Grid, GCPUD Discussion Topics: User-end Patch and Version Testing Create a forum for users to share info Different vendor case translation: Post Contingency AGC Response Importing from GE PSLF defaults PSSE .raw file ID converter Remove “&” in ID
PWUWG #6 Discussion Topics: WECC RAS Format & Modeling Saving WECC RAS files RAS models in Transient EMS Oneline Viewer Looking for other vendors besides AREVA to create translation files Transient Stability & Composite Load Model Phase 1 & 2 testing of composite load models complete Transient benchmark testing with other software complete Time Step Simulation & Composite Load Model(CLM) Demonstration of the tool and converting the CLM
PWUWG #6 Discussion Topics: CIP-014 Black-start studies N-1-1 Tools Discussion of the impact & possible expectations Black-start studies Initialization & future improvements N-1-1 Tools Using sensitivities(LODF) to reduce contingencies Joining two contingency lists to create N-1-1’s WECC-Wide System Model Use of the Integrated Topology Processing Tool Significant increase in speed for performing studies
PWUWG #6 *Future* Discussion Topics: Transient Setup & Composite Load Model Examples and run-through Sensitivity Tools Examples User-End Testing procedures Black Start/Restoration