Digital Literacies for learning Week 3
Overview of the session Welcome Questions from last week Lecture response Digital Footprints Privacy settings Personalisation Reading task Assessment Task 1 overview Preparation for next week
Digital citizenship Identify key discussion points from the lecture materials This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Activity – your digital footprint Think about what you have done online in the last few weeks. What information is likely to be saved about you? Try ‘googling’ yourself – what do you find? Create a mindmap using bubbl-us to document your digital footprint. Deb has included an example on the following slide. Once you are done, save your mind map as a jpg file (SAVE AS option at the top of the screen). Imagine a future employer had searched for you online. Briefly describe what your digital footprint says about you. They can create their mindmap without registering and can save as a file after they create it. Have some discussion around their individual digital footprints Discuss what this means for them in their new role as a pre-service teacher – are there things they need to remove? How will they promote the positive aspects of their digital footprints. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Activity – Privacy settings Download the Social Media Privacy Setting Audit worksheet from Topic 4 Resources folder. For each social media channel you use daily, conduct an audit of your privacy settings. For example, if you use both Snapchat and Facebook daily you will complete 2 audit worksheets. Using the worksheet to map your privacy settings Digitally or physically colour the settings you use for each type of social media content. Use RED to colour in the Everyone setting, AMBER for the Friends of Friends settings and GREEN for the Friends Only setting. Locate the Privacy Policy of the social media channel you are auditing. Read through it and make notes of the information you were not aware of, or that surprises or concerns you. Review your privacy settings map and annotate each privacy setting you might now consider changing. Discuss what they found, particularly in relation to the privacy policies.
personalisation Consider some ways in which your digital spaces are personalised. Identify 2 digital spaces that are personalised for you. How is this personalisation occurring and what does the owner of the site gain from it? Consider to what extent you control the personalisation process. Are there advantages for you? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Activity – reading task Share your Plus/Minus/Interesting (PMI) review of what you have read - record your thoughts on a table under the headings Plus Minus Interesting Plus - what are the strengths, things you agree with? Minus - any weaknesses in the argument, points you didn't agree with? Interesting - ideas that you would like to follow up, learn more about. Assumption that students have at least read the article . Discuss one of the points you found most interesting about the article with your group.
Assessment overview
Assessment Task 1 Your task is to make a case for the importance of teachers making use of digital technologies in the classroom and then identify a tool that teachers can use to ‘overcome their struggles’ with making use of digital technologies. This assignment should be presented in the form of a report with the use of headings and a reference list.
Assessment task 1 You should structure your report as follows INTRODUCTION: provide a brief overview about the importance of using digital technologies in a primary classroom. You will need to make use of academic literature to validate your case. (Approximately 300 words) TEACHING TOOL DESCRIPTION: (Approximately 500 words) Identify a digital tool (e.g. iPad/tablet, interactive whiteboard, smart table, digital camera, laptop/computer, games console, mobile phone, etc), appropriate for use by teachers or students in primary classrooms. Provide a brief description of your tool. Outline the potential strengths and weaknesses of such a tool in a primary classroom. You will need to use literature to support this discussion. You should try to include academic references if available, but it is appropriate to also make use of websites such as teacher magazines or blogs. CLASSROOM USE: Describe one illustration of how teachers could make use of your chosen tool in their classrooms. If you are making use of examples you have found online, ensure that you reference the sources appropriately. (Approximately 200 words) REFERENCE LIST: ensure that you acknowledge all sources of information using the UniSA Harvard system. Your reference list is not included in the word count. You should include a minimum of 5 references.
Report format Introduction Main body References Provide a brief overview about the importance of using digital technologies in a primary classroom. You will need to make use of academic literature to validate your case. (Approximately 300 words) Main body Organised into sections: Identify a digital tool (e.g. iPad/tablet, interactive whiteboard, smart table, digital camera, laptop/computer, games console, mobile phone, etc), appropriate for use by teachers or students in primary classrooms. Provide a brief description of your tool. Outline the potential strengths and weaknesses of such a tool in a primary classroom. Describe one illustration of how teachers could make use of your chosen tool in their classrooms. If you are making use of examples you have found online, ensure that you reference the sources appropriately. (Approximately 200 words) You will need to use literature to support this discussion. You should try to include academic references if available, but it is appropriate to also make use of websites such as teacher magazines or blogs. References A list of all the sources you used.
Assessment 1 - criteria Your submission will be based on the following criteria A well-constructed discussion outlining the importance of using digital technologies in a primary classroom. An appropriate digital tool for use in a primary classroom is selected and the advantages and disadvantages clearly explained with reference to literature to support the discussion Explanation of how the digital tool could be used in the classroom is relevant and appropriate for a primary school setting Appropriate referencing, including in text referencing and a reference list included and formatted in UniSA Harvard style Report has headings and is clearly written with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Time to work on searching for resources for assignment 1 There should be time to give the students to start working on researching this assignment Remind them about the materials they found last week – particularly the Library support and the searching strategies Perhaps focus on the introduction and get them to start thinking of phrases and key words to search by (use of Boolean operators, quotation marks), look for similar words e.g. primary and elementary Try searching for academic references – what are they? Encourage them to start a collection and to reference as they go.
Before our next session………. Work through Topic 4 Read and note the lecture materials for Topic 4 Complete the reading and bring notes with you to class