Annual Members’ Meetings Ministry of Social Development 13 to 17 May 2019 – National Office 27 May to 7 June 2019 – Service Delivery
Agenda Welcome and Housekeeping Updates for Members Site / Team Ministry of Social Development Public Service Sector Overview of Delegate Structure in MSD Election of Delegates Site Workplace Delegate Site Rūnanga Delegates PSA Health and Safety Representative election (where PSA representative vacancy exists) General Business
Updates for Members Site / Team Ministry of Social Development - including: Organisational Area Report 2019- 2020 PSA / MSD Workplan National Delegate Structure Public Service Sector Any hand out documents for the above will be emailed to all members by the site delegates, if they have not already been sent out This is a report from the Public Service Sector Committee. This report gives a summary of the PSA Public Service Sector work over the last year. MSD is part of the Public Service Sector in the PSA Sector Structures. The other PSA Sectors are: Local Government; District Health Boards; Community Public Services; State Sector and Te Rūnanga o Nga Toa Awhina PSA Runanga. With over 4200 members and 315 site delegates, the PSA representative structure in MSD is, in itself, equivalent to a medium to large sized organisation. It is easy to get confused hence giving you some hand out documents
PSA Delegate Structure in MSD (1/5) Workplace Delegates and National Delegates: PSA members in sites nominate and elect Workplace Delegates These positions are responsible for engagement at sites, with members and managers, in change projects and general day to day activity Workplace Delegates nominate and elect the National Delegates These positions are responsible for wider engagement in the grouping they represent, between delegates and regional or national managers, representing the wider membership on national level change projects or activity, and providing a local contact or communication point for PSA
PSA Delegate Structure in MSD (2/5) Rūnanga Delegates: Elections for Rūnanga Delegates mirrors that of the Workplace Delegate except that they can only be nominated by Māori Members and can only be elected by Māori Members PSA members in sites who are Māori nominate and elect Rūnanga Delegates The Rūnanga delegates are workplace delegates as described on the previous slide, with a primary focus on the representation of Māori members on Māori issues in the workplace.
PSA Delegate Structure in MSD (3/5) Ngā Kaitūhono Tuakana: Ngā Kaitūhono is the National Committee for Māori PSA members in MSD, members of this group can only be nominated from, and elected by Rūnanga Delegates. When grouped together, the Rūnanga Delegates nominate and elect their Ngā Kaitūhono Tuakana These positions are responsible for wider engagement in the grouping they represent, they are National Delegates, again with a primary focus on the representation of Māori members on Māori issues in the organisational area represented
PSA Delegate Structure in MSD (4/5) National Delegate Committee: National Delegates, and Ngā Kaitūhono Tuakana are the National Delegate Committee for MSD. These positions are responsible for engagement at the national level, between Group General Managers, General Managers, National Managers and Delegates, members of NDC are also representing PSA members to operational change projects or activity
PSA Delegate Structure in MSD (5/5) Convenor of PSA Lead Team, and National Delegate Convenors: The National Delegate Committee nominate and elect the Convenor of the PSA Lead Team (PSALT); Each of the Organisational Areas then nominate and elect their National Delegate Convenor MSD National Office, Regional Services, Contact Centre Services, Client Service Support, Ngā Kaitūhono All of these positions are responsible for strategic engagement at a Organisational level, and oversite of change projects or activity
Elections – Site Delegates PSA Workplace Delegates and Rūnanga Delegates At each site: All PSA members need to determine how many Workplace Delegate positions will be elected, and, PSA members who are Maori need to determine how many Rūnanga Delegates will be elected PSA recommends a minimum of 1 Delegate to 15 Members; always round up to the next whole number. PSA sent an email earlier in May 2019 calling for nominations to the role of PSA Site Delegates and PSA Rūnanga Delegates. The delegate running this meeting will now call for any additional nominees. If there are more nominees than positions, an election will be required, and may be run separately from this meeting. Answer any questions on the democratic process – it is an important opportunity for members to understand how the process of site delegates – National Delegates – PSALT works. If you have any questions you should check with your National Delegate or Organiser before the meeting. Use the detailed information in the Delegate Meeting Kit to assist you with the election process
Elections - Health and Safety Last year MSD ran elections for Site Health and Safety Committee Representatives. Your site may have already elected a PSA delegate or member on to your site committee. They were elected by all staff. The Worker Participation Agreement for Health Safety and Security between PSA and MSD states that a position on your site Health and Safety Committee is reserved for a PSA representative, elected by PSA Members only. It is not mandatory that the representative be a PSA Delegate (but it is preferred). Your delegate/s will now call for nominations or expressions of interest to fil the role of PSA Health and Safety Representative. If there are more nominees than positions, an election process will be required and may be run separately from this meeting.
General Business Opportunity to discuss any other PSA related workplace business Within your own workplace members will have specific business to be discussed; this is an opportunity for members to have a focus on particular issues which may need to be raised at the workplace level through the delegate structures. Note any significant issues on your report back form. Facilitate a brief discussion of any issues of the day at your workplace.
General Business – Update Your Details As a reminder please check and update your personal / workplace details as these may be incorrect on your PSA membership profile. You can update your member information by either contacting the PSA organising centre on 0508 367 772 or by going to our website and enter your membership number and password to update your details. Thank you to all the PSA delegates around the country to have helped to make these meetings happen. Thank you for your attendance and participation.
General Business – Growing our Union It’s a simple fact; the more members we have in a workplace, the more we can achieve. So please take this opportunity to think about how non-members can be invited to join. Here are some ideas: Call the PSA Organising Centre, or go to the PSA website. Order some of our “Welcome to the PSA” booklets. Identify some members to agree to talk with non-members, using this booklet to help. We can also get you some posters, to put around your workplace. Are there members who enjoy talking to others about PSA benefits? Do they want to become your work site’s “recruitment specialist”? Call the PSA Organising Centre (0508 367 772) to order some copies of our one-page “Join the PSA” outline – good for quickly explaining to potential members what we offer, in a very quick and positive fashion.
For a better working life New Zealand Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi