Welcome 2019-20 NHS!! MAY 7-8 MEETING
INTRODUCTIONS Welcome back returning juniors & welcome new sophomores and juniors to Burke NHS!!
RETURNING JUNIORS 7 hrs 2nd Semester NHS Hours due May 8th at 3:15 10 hours total 2 of the 10 must be NHS Sponsored, 1 must be a social hour **If you had spring sports and could not make this semester’s social hours TALK TO AN NHS OFFICER BEFORE HOURS ARE DUE. The social hour will be replaced with a volunteer hour. 1 hr 2 hrs 7 hrs
2019-2020 DUES DEADLINE FOR ALL DUES: AUGUST MEETING Dues are $20 per member You can start bringing your dues to school now through the end of this year, or bring them in August DEADLINE FOR ALL DUES: AUGUST MEETING ON AUG 20th & 21st Make checks payable to BURKE HIGH SCHOOL and bring to AKINS IN ROOM 132 If you have a conflict paying dues PLEASE feel free to talk to any advisor and we will be happy to help!
2019-2020 HOUR REQUIREMENTS Volunteer Hour Requirement is 20 hours per semester 5 hours at least must be NHS sponsored hours, but you may always have more! We will have social events at least once a month that will count towards your total 20 for the semester, these are encouraged but NOT REQUIRED Volunteer sheets are available online on burke.ops.org in the activities tab under National Honors Society along with meeting ppts Any hours from the summer will count towards 1st semester and may carry over to 2nd semester MAKE SURE YOU GET SIGNATURES OVER THE SUMMER Your first 20 hours will be due at the December Meeting!
SIGN UP FOR REMIND TEXT @K849KC TO 81010 We will be sending updates, reminders & additional info!!
MAY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Saddlebrook Elementary School Carnival May 9th from 5:45-8:15 14850 Laurel Ave in the Gymnasium Sign up sheet in the front of the room!
MAY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Burke Clean Up: May 14th 3:15 After school meet in IC1 Will probably be 1-2 hours Burke needs its grounds cleaned up before State Track! Sign up sheet in front of the room! Great way to get a head start on your hours!
MAY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES State Track May 17th and 18th Sign up with a teacher or go to AP Office **You can volunteer over summer and those hours will carry over to first semester of next year
SUMMER VOLUNTEERING iCan Bike Camp July 22nd – 27th Providing disabled individuals with a 5 day camp to help them learn to bike! Volunteers over age 15 to spot the bikers and are willing to jog along side for 90 minutes each day Facebook: Omaha iCan Bike Camp https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdh2E0lhOhyJXxq43xY3q HLWWMls3jtn1wqYynimPqhcc14fA/viewform
INFORMATIONAL SHEET First & Last Name Grade Phone Number Birthday On piece of paper, fill out First & Last Name Grade Phone Number Birthday Favorite Candy