Group #1: Partner Value/Opportunity Breakout Discussion Group #1: Partner Value/Opportunity Moderator: Jan Swinton, Glendale College Questions to Answer Recommended Outcomes How can we create LA regional impact in collaboration with industry, workforce and education partners? (that state legislators find impressive) What are the signs (evidence) that our regional coordination is being maximized with industry and workforce partnerships?
Group #2: Partner Alignment Breakout Discussion Group #2: Partner Alignment Moderator: Tricia Ramos, Santa Monica College Questions to Answer Recommended Outcomes What are 2 challenges/solutions that CTE has with each partner group ? Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) / Adult Education / Local Educational Agencies Interested Public 4 Year Universities /Economic Development /Industry Leaders /Local Civic Reps How do we develop and prototype innovative policies, practices, and services with industry, workforce and education partners?
Group #3: Student/Work-Based Readiness Breakout Discussion Group #3: Student/Work-Based Readiness Moderator: Alex Davis, LA City College Questions to Answer Recommended Outcomes How do we develop the right set of technical and soft skills for student readiness across very different industries/sectors for both small and large business? How do we engage both high school and college students in internships and job shadow opportunities with flexibility to student schedules and still satisfy employer expectations? Challenges/Solutions?
Group #4: Project Priorities and Evaluation Rubric Breakout Discussion Group #4: Project Priorities and Evaluation Rubric Moderator: Priscilla Lopez, LA Harbor College Questions to Answer Recommended Outcomes What criteria should we use to determine the regional sector projects to implement in the LA Region and across campuses, across regions, and in some cases, across sectors? Please list criteria for a rubric. What criteria should we use to determine the Across All - regional projects to implement in the LA Region and across campuses, across regions, and in some cases, across sectors? Please list criteria for a rubric.