Parents and Families’ Right to Know What is Title I? Parents and Families’ Right to Know
Every Student Succeeds Act – A Law The federal law called Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama in December of 2015. Title I is a part of ESSA. Schools receive federal funds based on the number of students who qualify for free lunch. These funds help us strengthen our program to meet the needs of all our students. Typically, we call these schools Title I Schools.
Title I Schools in the Salt Lake City School District Backman Bennion Edison Escalante Franklin Mary W Jackson Liberty Meadowlark Mountain View Newman North Star Open Classroom Parkview Riley Rose Park Washington Bryant Glendale Northwest SLCSE
ESSA Title I: Parents’ Right to Know Parents/families are an important part of Title I law. You have a voice in decisions to improve the education of your children. You also have the right to know about your child’s progress in their education. Teachers will inform you regularly about how your child is progressing. Title I Schools must have an annual meeting to tell parents about Title I.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact for Achievement Parents have the right to be involved in the development of the Family-School Compact for Achievement each year. It explains how schools, families and students will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact The Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact The Family-School Compact for Achievement lists date and times that you can participate in school activities that will support your child’s learning. School to home communication is important. We will communicate information to you in the following ways: Monthly Newsletters Emails and Texts through School Messenger Class Dojo Teachers are expected to let you know about the progress of your child regularly. Note to presenter: Go through these activities at your school.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact Our school has the responsibility to provide high- quality curriculum and instruction in an environment that enables children served in Title I schools to meet the challenging Utah Core Standards and goals in the Student Success Plan (SSP). The Family-School Compact for Achievement includes goals for our school’s SSP. Our goals are… Note to presenter: Go through the activities at your school.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact Note to presenter: Talk about what teachers will do to support students. Parents have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of their child’s teacher. Check with your school office. Schools are required to notify parents that the student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification requirements.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact Note to presenter: Talk about what parents/families will do to support students.
ESSA Title I: Family-School Compact Note to presenter: Talk about what students will do to be successful.
ESSA Title I: Family Engagement Plan Title I Funds can be used for strategies to implement effective parent and family engagement. Parents have the right to be involved in the development of the Family Engagement Plan. You can find our Family Engagement Plan at this link: Or ask for it in the office. Note to presenter: Describe your Family Engagement Plan and where parents can find it.
ESSA Title I: Parent’s Right to Know Note to presenter: Describe your Family Engagement Plan and where parents can find it.
ESSA Title I Funds Can Be Used for: high-quality student academic assessments. services to assist struggling students. coordination and integration of federal funds and programs. Note to presenter: Explain to families how your Title I funds are spent at your school. 1% of district Title I funds is set aside for strategies to implement effective parent and family engagement. Parents have the right to be involved in decisions about how all Title I funds are used.
Our School Uses ESSA Title I Funds for: Program/Items Funds Additional Funds Home Visits $8000.00 + $6,000.00 Land Trust Funds Intervention Teacher $70,000.00 Reduce Classroom Size $210,000.00 + $95,000.00 Local District Funds Total Title I Budget Note to presenter: Explain to families how your Title I funds are spent at your school. 1% of district Title I funds is set aside for strategies to implement effective parent and family engagement. Parents have the right to be involved in decisions about how all Title I funds are used.
Who to Contact at Our School Name of principal, office phone number, photo Name of counselor, office phone number, photo Name of secretary, office phone number, photo Name of transportation director, phone number, photo Name of teacher, phone number and best way to contact her/him