Adoption of the new surface water watch list Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/840 of 5 June 2018 ( content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32018D0840) New monitoring year will start 5 December 2018, i.e. 1st year of monitoring for three new substances (two antibiotics and metaflumizone (pesticide)) 4th year of monitoring for 5 substances/groups of substances from previous list Johannes Grath represented WG in this meeting. Art 21: COM is meant to adopt the decision in about a month's time to allowing for monitoring to start in the autumn Three substances: one insecticide and two antibiotics (metaflumizon, amoxcicillin and ciprofloxacin). All MS voted in favour. 1/18
Next steps for the surface water watch list Analysis of monitoring data from the 3rd year of monitoring (in early 2019). For the estrogens the data will be complemented by the results of a parallel effect-based monitoring project. Possible further revision of the WL in 2019 (or 2020) to formally remove substances from the list that will have been on it for four continuous years (but if not formally removed, MS not obliged to monitor them since EQSD states that "The duration of a continuous watch list monitoring period for any individual substance shall not exceed four years."); to add other substances, possibly substances that require monitoring in sediment. Consideration of the WL mechanism during the Fitness Check (evaluation) of the water legislation. . Johannes Grath represented WG in this meeting. Art 21: COM is meant to adopt the decision in about a month's time to allowing for monitoring to start in the autumn Three substances: one insecticide and two antibiotics (metaflumizon, amoxcicillin and ciprofloxacin). All MS voted in favour. 2/18
Report on 2nd year of WL monitoring JRC has analysed the quality of the data from the 2nd year Issues to follow up: Whether for some substances, the overall data quality may never be judged sufficient, because the proportion of poor quality data remains the same or even increases if MS who have provided good- quality data in the first year(s) decide to stop monitoring and other MS are not able to achieve the necessary analytical sensitivity; Whether a cap should be put on the quantity of data from any individual MS, to avoid skewing the "EU-wide risk" picture; How to link the criterion for "sufficient high-quality data" with the related criteria (on number of MS providing data and number showing EQS exceedances etc.) for prioritising substances for the PS list. Johannes Grath represented WG in this meeting. Art 21: COM is meant to adopt the decision in about a month's time to allowing for monitoring to start in the autumn Three substances: one insecticide and two antibiotics (metaflumizon, amoxcicillin and ciprofloxacin). All MS voted in favour. 3/18
WG Chemicals – other activities Guidance on bioavailability of metals Work ongoing, but workshop yet to be held Technical Guidance on deriving EQS Adopted by Water Directors in June To be published as soon as possible Strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment Awaiting approval – no definite date Johannes Grath represented WG in this meeting. Art 21: COM is meant to adopt the decision in about a month's time to allowing for monitoring to start in the autumn Three substances: one insecticide and two antibiotics (metaflumizon, amoxcicillin and ciprofloxacin). All MS voted in favour. 4/18