Peer Review Service on Safe Long Term Operation (SALTO) IAEA Safety Standards and other reference documents for LTO and ageing management
Safety Standards Series Hierarchy Objectives, concepts, principles Fundamentals Requirements that must be met (“shall”) Requirements Recommendations (“should”) Guides The hierarchy of the Safety Standards developed by the IAEA is As follows: At the top is the Safety Fundamentals which present the basic objective, concepts and principles for safety. The Safety Fundamentals were used as the basis for the development of the nuclear Safety Convention and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel. The fundamentals are followed by Safety Requirements that must be met to ensure safety. They provide the basis for national laws and regulations. Each safety requirement is supplemented by a number of Safety Guides which present recommended actions for meeting the Safety Requirements. Safety guides are comparable to national regulatory guides. In principle safety requirements and guides reflect the best practices of the Member States. The Safety Standards need to be complemented by national infrastructures and industry standards. IAEA also develops other safety related publications in support of the standards. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Standards Series Safety Fundamentals: Present basic objectives, concepts and principles of safety and protection Safety Requirements: Establish requirements what needs to be done (‘shall’ statements) to meet objectives and principles in Safety Fundamentals Safety Guides: Recommended ways (‘should’ statements’) on how to meet Safety Requirements SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Overall Structure SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
LTO and AM related IAEA guidance SSR-2/1 Safety of NPPs: Design SSR-2/2 Safety of NPPs: Commissioning and Operation GSR part 2 Leadership and Management for Safety SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Safety Guides SSG-48 Ageing Management and LTO SSG-25 PSR Other important Safety Guides: GS-G-3.1 Application of Management System… NS-G-2.3 Modifications to NPPs NS-G-2.6 Maintenance, Surveillance and ISI SSG-13 Chemistry Programme… Etc. Safety REPORTS New SRS Scoping SRS 82 IGALL SS 26 SALTO Guidelines Other important guidelines: Component specific AM guidelines Programmatic AM guidelines Guidelines on integrity of RPV & effective life management Guidelines on PSR, CM, DBDR SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2 5
IAEA Safety Standards for LTO Ageing Non-physical ageing (obsolescence) Physical ageing SSG-48 Guidance on AM and LTO Obsolescence of technology Obsolescence of codes, standards and regulations Obsolescence of knowledge SSG-25 Guidance on PSR SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2 6
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 14: Design basis for items important to safety The design basis for items important to safety shall specify the necessary capability, reliability and functionality for the relevant operational states, for accident conditions and for conditions arising from internal and external hazards, to meet the specific acceptance criteria over the lifetime of the nuclear power plant. 5.3. The design basis for each item important to safety shall be systematically justified and documented. The documentation shall provide the necessary information for the operating organization to operate the plant safely. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Used as reference in issues: 5.3: 4 Example use DB documentation is not complete or not accessible or not updated for LTO Scope of TLAAs is not complete SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 15: Design limits A set of design limits consistent with the key physical parameters for each item important to safety for the nuclear power plant shall be specified for all operational states and for accident conditions. 5.4. The design limits shall be specified and shall be consistent with relevant national and international standards and codes, as well as with relevant regulatory requirements. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Used as reference in issues: 1 Example use Incomplete design basis documentation SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 29: Calibration, testing, maintenance, repair, replacement, inspection and monitoring of items important to safety. Items important to safety for a nuclear power plant shall be designed to be calibrated, tested, maintained, repaired or replaced, inspected and monitored as required to ensure their capability of performing their functions and to maintain their integrity in all conditions specified in their design basis. 5.45. The plant layout shall… 5.46. Where items important… 5.47. If an item important to… SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Used as reference in issues 5.45 and 5.46: 0 5.47: 1 Example use 5.47: Tendon surveillance programme has not demonstrated that tendons can maintain their design function during LTO SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 30: Qualification of items important to safety A qualification programme for items important to safety shall be implemented to verify that items important to safety at a nuclear power plant are capable of performing their intended functions when necessary, and in the prevailing environmental conditions, throughout their design life, with due account taken of plant conditions during maintenance and testing. 5.48. The environmental conditions…. 5.49. The qualification programme… 5.50. Any environmental conditions… SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Used as reference in issues 5.48 and 5.50: 0 5.49: 1 Example use 5.49: Validity of environmental qualification of some equipment is not adequately controlled SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 31: Ageing management The design life of items important to safety at a nuclear power plant shall be determined. Appropriate margins shall be provided in the design to take due account of relevant mechanisms of ageing, neutron embrittlement and wear out and of the potential for age related degradation, to ensure the capability of items important to safety to perform their necessary safety functions throughout their design life. 5.51. The design for a nuclear power plant shall take due account of ageing and wear out effects in all operational states for which a component is credited, including testing, maintenance, maintenance outages, plant states during a postulated initiating event and plant states following a postulated initiating event. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 31: Ageing management 5.52. Provision shall be made for monitoring, testing, sampling and inspection to assess ageing mechanisms predicted at the design stage and to help identify unanticipated behaviour of the plant or degradation that might occur in service. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP design SSR-2/1 Requirement 31: Ageing management Used as reference in issues: 0 SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 10: Control of plant configuration The operating organization shall establish and implement a system for plant configuration management to ensure consistency between design requirements, physical configuration and plant documentation. 4.38. Controls on plant configuration shall ensure… that changes are: identified, screened, designed, evaluated, implemented, and recorded. changes to the plant and its safety related systems are properly identified, screened, designed, evaluated, implemented and recorded. Proper controls shall be implemented to handle changes in plant configuration that result from maintenance work, testing, repair, operational limits and conditions, and plant refurbishment, and from modifications due to ageing of components, obsolescence of technology, operating experience, technical developments and results of safety research. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 10: Control of plant configuration Used as reference in issues: 7 Example use The process of the modifications documentation is not properly carried out. Process to assure data consistency between DB documents is not clearly defined. The responsibilities and functions of the design authority are not fully implemented. Process to ensure data consistency between DBs and data completeness is not defined. changes to the plant and its safety related systems are properly identified, screened, designed, evaluated, implemented and recorded. Proper controls shall be implemented to handle changes in plant configuration that result from maintenance work, testing, repair, operational limits and conditions, and plant refurbishment, and from modifications due to ageing of components, obsolescence of technology, operating experience, technical developments and results of safety research. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 11: Management of modifications The operating organization shall establish and implement a programme to manage modifications. 4.39. A modification programme shall ….ensure that modifications are identified, specified, screened, designed, evaluated, authorized, implemented and recorded 4.40-43: Modification control… modification programme shall be established and implemented to ensure that all modifications are properly identified, specified, screened, designed, evaluated, authorized, implemented and recorded. Modifications shall be characterized on the basis of their safety significance. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 11: Management of modifications Used as reference in issues: 3 Example use Accessibility, completeness and archive system for DB and as-built documentation is not appropriate for LTO Responsibilities and functions of the design authority are not fully implemented. modification programme shall be established and implemented to ensure that all modifications are properly identified, specified, screened, designed, evaluated, authorized, implemented and recorded. Modifications shall be characterized on the basis of their safety significance. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 12: Periodic safety review Systematic safety assessments of the plant, …, shall be performed by the operating organization …, with due account taken of operating experience and significant new safety related information from all relevant sources. 4.44. Safety reviews shall address the consequences of the cumulative effects of: plant ageing and plant modification, equipment requalification, operating experience, current standards, technical developments, organizational and management issues, as well as siting aspects. 4.45-4.47: The operating organization… Safety reviews shall be carried out at regular intervals. Safety reviews shall address, in an appropriate manner, the consequences of the cumulative effects of plant ageing and plant modification, equipment requalification, operating experience, current standards, technical developments, and organizational and management issues, as well as siting aspects. Safety reviews shall be aimed at ensuring a high level of safety throughout the operating lifetime of the plant. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 12: Periodic safety review Used as reference in issues: 6 Example use PSR is not along with IAEA Safety Guide on PSR. Incorporating external operating experience for LTO is not effective. Not all PSR safety factors are fully evaluated. PSR is not comprehensive. Safety reviews shall be carried out at regular intervals. Safety reviews shall address, in an appropriate manner, the consequences of the cumulative effects of plant ageing and plant modification, equipment requalification, operating experience, current standards, technical developments, and organizational and management issues, as well as siting aspects. Safety reviews shall be aimed at ensuring a high level of safety throughout the operating lifetime of the plant. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 13: Equipment qualification The operating organization shall ensure that a systematic assessment is carried out to provide reliable confirmation that safety related items are capable of the required performance for all operational states and for accident conditions. 4.48. Appropriate concepts and the scope and process of equipment qualification shall be established, and effective and practicable methods shall be used to upgrade and preserve equipment qualification. A programme to establish, to confirm and to maintain required equipment qualification shall be launched from the initial phases of design, supply and installation of the equipment. The effectiveness of equipment qualification programmes shall be periodically reviewed. 4.49. The scope and details… SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 13: Equipment qualification Used as reference in issues: 13 Example use Plant has not developed and implemented a comprehensive EQ programme. Inadequate demonstration that mechanical EQ remains valid for LTO. No temperature monitoring programme Established EQ programme does not include all necessary elements. Validity of EQ of some equipment is not adequately controlled. A comprehensive EQ programme has not been rigorously implemented. EQ of some safety related cables is not finalized. Qualified status of SSCs is not sufficiently demonstrated SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management The operating organization shall ensure that an effective ageing management programme is implemented to ensure that required safety functions of systems, structures and components are fulfilled over the entire operating lifetime of the plant. 4.50. The ageing management programme shall determine the consequences of ageing and the activities necessary to maintain the operability and reliability of structures, systems and components. The ageing management programme shall be coordinated with, and be consistent with, other relevant programmes, including the programme for periodic safety review. A systematic approach shall be taken to provide for the development, implementation and continuous improvement of ageing management programmes. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management 4.51. Long term effects arising from operational and environmental conditions (i.e. temperature conditions, radiation conditions, corrosion effects or other degradations in the plant that may affect the long term reliability of plant equipment or structures) shall be evaluated and assessed as part of the ageing management programme. Account shall be taken in the programme of the safety relevance of structures, systems and components. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management Used as reference in issues: 50 Example use AMPs do not address all IAEA attributes Plant programmes have not been evaluated for their effectiveness according 9 attributes Roles and responsibilities, necessary administrative and technical provisions to implement AMP for plant civil structures are not fully established Trend monitoring of ageing management programme results does not fully meet the needs for safe LTO. FSAR not fully updated regarding ageing management for LTO period Plant programmes relevant to AM and LTO, i.e. maintenance, ISI and surveillance are not adequately coordinated with AM and LTO SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management Example use (cont.) Organizational arrangement for improvement of ageing management at the plant after LR evaluation is not adequate. Existing plant programmes relevant for LTO are not adequately enhanced for LTO. The ageing management review and ageing management programmes for mechanical components are incomplete. Not all criteria and time limited ageing assumptions necessary for performing a comprehensive ageing management review of electrical and I&C equipment for the period of LTO have been established. Interface among plant programmes and ageing management is not well defined Cable AMP is not fully implemented for medium-voltage cables and manuals are not completed for low-voltage cables and I&C cables. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management Example use (cont.) AMR and AMPs for some mechanical components are not completed Not all degradation mechanisms and ageing effects of civil structures in LTO scope are thoroughly addressed and recorded. Some equipment anchorages have not been considered in the ageing management of the plant for LTO AMR for mechanical components has not covered the LTO period Some relevant safety related structures are not considered in the scope of ageing management programme for LTO Plant activities in AM of chloride induced degradation of civil structures do not cover all civil structures and their effectiveness is not reviewed and demonstrated Incomplete identification of degradation mechanisms in AMR for electrical and I&C equipment SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 15: Records and reports The operating organization shall establish and maintain a system for the control of records and reports. 4.52. The operating organization shall… Identify types Retain and keep available … SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 15: Records and reports Used as reference in issues: 3 Example use Incomplete or inconsistent DB for LTO Stand-alone, inconsistent or incomplete databases SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Where applicable, the operating organization shall establish and implement a comprehensive programme for ensuring the long term safe operation of the plant beyond a time-frame established in the licence conditions, design limits, safety standards and/or regulations. 4.53. The justification for long term operation shall be prepared on the basis of the results of a safety assessment, with due consideration of the ageing of structures, systems and components. The justification for long term operation shall utilize the results of periodic safety review and shall be submitted to the regulatory body, as required, for approval on the basis of an analysis of the ageing management programme, to ensure the safety of the plant throughout its extended operating lifetime. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation 4.54. The comprehensive programme for long term operation shall address: (a) Preconditions (including the current licensing basis, safety upgrading and verification, and operational programmes); (b) Setting the scope for all structures, systems and components important to safety; (c) Categorization of structures, systems and components with regard to degradation and ageing processes; (d) Revalidation of safety analyses made on the basis of time limited assumptions; (e) Review of ageing management programmes in accordance with national regulations; (f) The implementation programme for long term operation. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Used as reference in issues: 81 Example use Clear and consistent process to demonstrate preparedness for safe LTO is not in place. Lack of organizational structures, staffing dispositions and management system documents for managing LTO The methodology to assess active components for LTO has not been finalized and implemented Plant arrangements are at a very early stage and a lack of sufficient emphasis is endangering timely implementation of the LTO programme. The plant initiated activities on LTO but did not develop overall framework documents on the LTO project and on the plant policy. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Example use (cont.) Preparation of the scoping and screening process for the LTO evaluation is at the very beginning stage Clear rules, methodology and walk-down plans to identify non-safety SCs within the LTO scope have not been established. Civil structures have not been defined at the component level or as commodity groups. There is no complete and consistent set of requirements related to LTO. The process for incorporating external operating experience consideration for LTO is not effective. The emphasis of the plant approach for LTO is limited to the 10 year licensing period rather than the full intended period of LTO. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Example use (cont.) Some relevant data being gathered from existing plant activities is not being communicated to, and addressed in, ageing management programmes relevant to LTO. The ageing management review is not properly supported by a condition assessment of all in-scope SCs. The process to identify all potential degradation mechanisms and ageing effects of SSCs in LTO scope has not been defined. TLAA revalidations have not been completed for the period of LTO. The plant documents developed to provide requirements and guidance on AM and LTO are not comprehensive. Methodology for scoping and screening is not appropriately defined and documented and a part of the safety relevant SCs is screened out of the LTO assessment without clearly documented criteria. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Requirements on NPP operation SSR-2/2 Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Example use (cont.) The ageing management review and ageing management programmes for mechanical SSCs are not comprehensive. Design basis documentation is not completely accessible and updated to support LTO. Methodology and guidance for the scoping and screening are not sufficiently detailed to ensure consistent identification of SSCs for LTO Current approach for identification and revalidation of TLAAs for mechanical components is not comprehensive to support LTO Existing documentation does not cover all aspects of preparation for safe LTO. The plant’s arrangements for scoping and screening of electrical and I&C components do not ensure that ageing management of all relevant components is sufficiently rigorous SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Main IAEA Safety Guides and Reports Developed Safety Long Term Operation Approach and Guidelines Safety Guide: SSG-48, Ageing Management and LTO for NPPs (2018) Safety Report: SRS-82, Intern. Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (2015) Safety Series: SS-26, SALTO Guidelines for Peer Review of LTO (2014) SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on AM and LTO Provide comprehensive guidance on recommended ways of fulfillment of SSR-2/2 Requirement 14: Ageing management Requirement 16: Programme for long term operation Mainly focused on physical ageing but also includes management of technological obsolescence. Published in December 2018
Introduction of SSG-48 1.3. Ageing management is most effective when it is properly carried out at all stages of the lifetime of a nuclear power plant. 1.4. Effective ageing management of SSCs is a key element of the safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants. In order to assist its Member States in managing ageing effectively, the IAEA has developed a programme on International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL)...
Basic Concepts 2.5. Evaluation of the consequences of the cumulative effects of both ageing and obsolescence on the safety of a nuclear power plant is a continuous process and is required to be assessed in a periodic safety review or an equivalent safety assessment under alternative arrangements. 2.6. Effective ageing management Requires systematic approach to managing effects of ageing Provides a framework for coordinating all activities to understand, prevent, detect, monitor and mitigate PLAN–DO–CHECK–ACT approach
Basic Concepts 2.7. Understanding ageing of SSCs is the key to effective AM: CLB (including regulatory requirements, codes and standards) Safety functions and other intended functions of the SSC Design and fabrication processes Equipment qualification Environment during any delayed construction Actual environmental characteristics during operation and shutdown conditions Operation, irradiation and maintenance history Operating experience Relevant research results Data and data trends from condition monitoring, inspection and maintenance
Scope setting for SSCs The SSCs within the scope of AM and LTO are: (a) SSCs important to safety; (b) SSCs whose failure may prevent SSCs important to safety from fulfilling their intended functions; (c) SSCs that are credited in the safety analyses (deterministic and probabilistic) as performing the function of coping with certain types of events such as: (i) Internal fires and flooding; (ii) External hazards, e.g. extreme weather conditions, earthquake, tsunami, external flooding, tornado and external fire; (iii) Specific regulated events, e.g. pressurized thermal shock, anticipated transient without scram and station blackout; (iv) Design extension conditions or severe accidents. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Scope setting for AM (and evaluation for LTO) SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Process for identifying programmes to manage the ageing of SCs SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Ageing management review AMR consists of the following steps: (a) Assessment of the current condition of the structure or component; (b) Identification of ageing effects and degradation mechanisms based on fundamental knowledge for understanding ageing; (c) Identification of the appropriate programme for ageing management; (d) Reporting on the ageing management review. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Effectiveness of AMPs ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 5.3 An authorized organizational entity (e.g. an ageing management unit, manager or task force) should be assigned responsibilities for ageing management…Interdisciplinary ageing management teams consisting of members of different units of the plant and external experts may be established if necessary,… 5.4 The responsibilities of the ageing management entity should include: …. Systematic monitoring of relevant operating experience and research and development results, and evaluation of their applicability to the nuclear power plant; Direction of interdisciplinary ageing management teams for managing complex ageing issues; Assessment and optimization of ageing management programmes; Performance of periodic self-assessments; Improvement of activities relating to ageing management.
Effectiveness of AMPs ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS - FIGURE 2 Ageing management teams - Recommend indicators of the effectiveness of ageing management programmes and perform studies. Nuclear power plant engineering, operations and maintenance and management system units - Report indicators of the effectiveness of ageing management programmes. Senior management of the nuclear power plant - Monitor the effectiveness of ageing management programmes.
Nine Attributes of an effective AMP Scope of the ageing management programme based on understanding ageing Preventive actions to minimize and control ageing effects Detection of ageing effects Monitoring and trending of ageing effects Mitigating ageing effects Acceptance criteria Corrective actions Operating experience feedback and feedback of research and development results Quality management SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Time Limited Ageing Analyses TLAAs should meet all six of the following criteria that: Should involve SSCs within the scope for AM; Should consider ageing effects; Should involve time limited assumptions defined by the current operating term; Should have been determined to be relevant by the operating organization in making a safety determination; Should involve conclusions or provide the basis for conclusions relating to the capability of the SSC to perform its intended function(s); Should be contained or incorporated by reference in the CLB. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Revalidation of TLAAs The validity of TLAAs over the intended period of operation should be assessed through demonstrating satisfaction against one of the following criteria: The analysis should remain valid for the intended period of operation; The analysis should have been projected to the end of the intended period of operation; The effects of ageing on the intended function(s) of the structure or component should be adequately managed for the intended period of operation. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Technological obsolescence Basic steps of the generic proactive process to manage obsolescence: SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Major steps of programme for LTO SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Report Series No. 82 ‘IGALL’ Recommended ageing management programmes and typical TLAAs Supports a systematic approach to manage ageing as described in SSG-48 First published in 2015 IGALL database on IAEA website contains: 92 Ageing Management Programmes (AMPs) 26 Time Limited Ageing Analysis (TLAAs) Technological obsolescence programme More than 2600 consolidated line items in AMR tables (totally more 7000 line items collected from MS) Updated version on IGALL Safety Report after Phase 3 available since December 2017 to be published by the end of 2018 Can be used as reference in SALTO, but not as basis for issues SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
IGALL Use examples Direct implementation of relevant IGALL AMPs and TLAAs Benchmarking against IGALL AMPs and TLAAs Benchmarking of NPP AMR results against IGALL AMR List of relevant SCs A B C D E F Ageing effect due to degradation mechanism(s) Recommended AMPs, TLAAs and further actions Crit .location x Material x Environment SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2 58
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IGALL website Publicly accessible by searching “IGALL” or using direct link: All files available for downloading: Ageing Management Programmes Time Limited Ageing Analysis IGALL AMR public table IGALL Safety Report and IGALL TECDOC Calendar of IGALL meetings IGALL database updated in December 2017 after Phase 3 Next update will be in December 2019 after IGALL Phase 4 SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 Recommendations connected with LTO incorporated Published in 2013 New Section 3 – „Input from Periodic Safety Review in Assessing LTO or Licence Renewal“ SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 3.1 ……Long term operation should be justified by safety assessment, with consideration given to the life limiting processes and features of SSCs important to safety. 3.3 …… PSR and its findings can be used to support the decision making process for LTO or licence renewal. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 3.6 In addition, the scope of the review of the safety factors should be adapted to determine the feasibility of LTO. For example, the scope of the safety factor relating to ageing should be expanded to include an evaluation of the TLAAs and assessments of ageing effects. In the review, increased importance should be given to ageing mechanisms and ageing management programmes. 3.7 If the PSR is to be used to justify LTO or licence renewal, the entire planned period of LTO should be considered, and not just the ten years until the next PSR…. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 Safety factor 1: Plant design 5.16. The objective of the review of plant design is to determine the adequacy of the design of the nuclear power plant and its documentation by assessment against the current licensing basis and national and international standards, requirements and practices. Safety factor 2: Actual condition of SSCs important to safety 5.28. The objective of the review of this safety factor is to determine the actual condition of SSCs important to safety and so to consider whether they are capable and adequate to meet design requirements, at least until the next PSR. In addition, the review should verify that the condition of SSCs important to safety is properly documented, as well as reviewing the ongoing maintenance, surveillance and in-service inspection programmes, as applicable. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 Safety factor 3: Equipment qualification 5.38. The objective of the review of equipment qualification is to determine whether plant equipment important to safety has been properly qualified (including for environmental conditions) and whether this qualification is being maintained through an adequate programme of maintenance, inspection and testing that provides confidence in the delivery of safety functions until at least the next PSR. Safety factor 4: Ageing 5.46. The objective of the review of ageing is to determine whether ageing aspects affecting SSCs important to safety are being effectively managed and whether an effective ageing management programme is in place so that all required safety functions will be delivered for the design lifetime of the plant and, if it is proposed, for long term operation. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Safety Guide on PSR SSG-25 PSR items important for LTO assessment: PSR scope, methodology, review criteria and the review process (consistency with SSR 2/2, Rev.1, SSG-25); Basis for PSR (scope of codes, standards and regulations used); Results of review of SF 1 - 4; Results of Global Assessment (justification for proposed long term operation in both the short term and long term); Activities of the operating organization and regulatory authority; Post-review activities (implementation of corrective actions, update of the plant documentation and FSAR). SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Other IAEA Safety Standards Safety Guide on ‘Maintenance, Surveillance and In-Service Inspection’ (NS-G-2.6) provides recommendations on methods, frequency and administrative measures for the in-service inspection programme aimed at detecting possible deterioration due to the influences of stress, temperature, radiation, etc. Requirements on ‘Leadership and Management for Safety’ (GSR-Part 2) and ‘Application of the Management System for Facilities and Activities’, (GS-G-3.1) general recommendations/suggestions on plant activities, especially QA activities. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Programmatic guidelines Data Collection and Record Keeping for the Management of Nuclear Power Plant Ageing (Safety Practice: Safety Series No.50-P-3) Methodology for the Management of Ageing of Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety (Technical Report Series No.338) Implementation and Review of Nuclear Power Plant Ageing Management Programmes (Safety Report Series No.15) Equipment Qualification in Operational Nuclear Power Plants (Safety Report Series No.3) Safety Report on Proactive Ageing Management (Safety Report Series No.62) SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
Component specific guidelines “Assessment and management of ageing of major nuclear power components important to safety” Steam generators (TECDOC 981) Concrete containment buildings (TECDOC 1025) CANDU pressure tubes (TECDOC 1037) PWR Reactor Vessels (TECDOC 1120) PWR Reactor Vessel Internals (TECDOC 1119) Metal components of BWR containment systems (TECDOC 1181) In-containment cables (TECDOC 1188) CANDU reactor assembly (TECDOC 1197) PWR primary piping (TECDOC 1361, 2003) BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel (TECDOC 1470, 2005) BWR RPV Internals (TECDOC 1471, 2005) PWR Reactor Vessel Internals (2007 update: TECDOC1557) SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
SALTO peer review guidelines Aims to provide a basic structure and common reference across the various areas covered by an SALTO peer review mission. Principally for the SALTO peer review team but also provide guidance to a host organization in preparing to receive a peer review mission. SALTO Peer Review Service Team Briefing and Training 2
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