Who is in your family? Everyone in every family is unique. Each person has specific skills, talents, and personalities. What are some special traits of some of your family members?
Families work together to Provide food, clothing, and a place to live Create a loving environment Encourage independence Teach values and life skills Give friendship, guidance, and support
Types of Families Nuclear Family Includes two parents and one or more children Single-Parent Family One parent and one or more children Blended Family Formed when two people marry and at least one has children from a previous relationship. Extended Family One or two parents and children as well as older relatives, such as grandparents or aunts and uncles. Highlight or circle the type of family that you have
What makes all families different? The way we express ourselves -some families are very affectionate and frequently hug and say “I love you” other families do this less frequently. It does not mean that the less affectionate family loves each other less, it just means that they express it differently.
What makes all families different? We all have different traditions. How do you celebrate holidays? What kind of foods do you eat? What is your family’s religious background?
How can families become closer? Spending more time together Supporting one another Laughing and playing together Sharing responsibilities Trusting one another Respecting one another
How could you spend more time with your family? Brainstorm ideas and write them down Playing games, attending religious services, planning special celebrations, discussing books, movies, and current events
Things to remember about your parents They are people too! They have strengths and weaknesses They are working toward goals and have good days and bad days, just like you They are great listeners They want to support you THEY CANNOT READ YOUR MIND
Siblings- Guiding Questions Are there ways to get along with siblings? What are some ways that you could work with your siblings to get along better?