The Origin and Growth of Liberalism
Let’s go over this one more time... The word liberal comes from the Latin liber, meaning ‘free’. It was first used as a political term in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. The ideas of liberalism are older than the name and they emerged in the 1700’s during the Enlightenment. Individuals such as Locke, Smith, Jefferson, Montesquieu wrote about personal freedom, limited government (economically and socially) consent of the governed, yet these writers never called themselves liberals. Their beliefs laid the foundation for what is now called classical liberalism. Modern liberalism includes the political beliefs and social rights of classical liberalism, yet it rejects some of the economic beliefs of classical liberalism
Historical Background Medieval Period: agrarian; feudalism Crusades: growth of towns; led to merchants (bourgeois). Influence on economic policies Renaissance Humanists: questioning of authority and church teachings Protestant Reformation Contact with Indigenous peoples(non-Christian) Europe was in turmoil Cities grew as overseas trade grew Enlightenment or Age of Reason (late 17th-18th) . The rise of Classical Liberalism focused on allowing citizens the right to freedom in their economic, political, and social lives
Principles of Classical Liberalism Individual Rights and Freedoms Humans are reasonable Private property and free markets Protection of civil liberties Limitations on Gov’t by constitution
The Age of Reason
Thinkers Hobbes Locke Montesquieu John Stuart Mill
Laissez-Faire Economics Adam Smith
Origins Agrarian economy overtaken by industrial one Movement away from subsistence to surplus; farm to factory 1. As an island, Britain had advantages 2. Parliamentary gov’t and constitutional monarchy; Enclosure Acts 3. Enlightenment = Modern Industrialization
Rise of Capitalism and the Individual New middle class led the way to promote laissez-faire and criticize Mercantilism Pursuit of self interest
Adam Smith Every individual looks after themselves thereby helping everyone else Government role: maintain rule of law; ensure contracts are followed; provide public works