By Haley Brumbaugh and Ricky Howard Cloud 11 Where Freedom is True! By Haley Brumbaugh and Ricky Howard
The Bill of Cloud 11 Cloud 11 is an Ultimate society based upon freedom. We have come together to form a community exactly opposite to governmental power in america where every issue or society troubles are solved by a popular vote by the people recorded with a simple message to your cell phone. We simply intend to give our citizens more say so in the way we run our government we want our people to have full ability to their freedoms similar to our current situation with freedom of speech and all other preamble rights, but with a greater outlook of society coming from the average everyday citizen.
Mascot: Free Bird In Cloud 11 we Strongly support a free spirit. For this reason the free bird is clearly a confident choice in representation based upon the free spirit of the 1970s through the eyes of iconic rock legends including Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Laws Within Our Society No one should be rude to one another (Although our society is based on freedom rudeness is strictly prohibited due to the respect of others.) Freedom is the basis in our society and should be followed. (All should follow the freedom rule and be allowed to do what they want.) No judgment should be allowed (Freedom is a privilege and many enjoy this. No judgment should be allowed to those who enjoy the freedom.) Any violence is not allowed (Freedom should not be taken advantage of and violence is a problem already and should not be allowed in our society.) You should be allowed to do what you want. (Many things are illegal nowadays and that rule does not reply in our society. Freedom for all with some limitations.)
Law’s Within Our Society Pt. 2 No law will be tampered with. (People have freedom of choice but are not allowed to tamper with the rules as they are set for a reason.) If someone should break these laws consequences will happen. (Although freedom is given we do not believe that breaking these rules is right. The freedom they have is a privilege and makes it very hard to break these rules.) Life is a blessing, take care of it. (We believe in a calm, and peaceful society and people should respect that.) Fun should always be a priority. (Life should be lived to the fullest and people need to relax and have more fun.) Be safe. (Freedom can sometimes cause safety issues so that should always be thought of before anything bad happens.)
Government ~ In our society government will be based on a democracy. The people have the right to vote who they believe will be best fit for president. Although we have a democracy we will have 2 people for more options. They will work together well and produce a high society of smart and safe people. Fun will always be a priority but thoughts on other special things including money need to be monitored and options need to be chosen. The people will be allowed to choose through a phone text which can be issued or on a paper ballet. This will provide more of an option and accessibility to people who dont always want to get out and vote. Both presidents need to agree before any changes can be made.
Invitation Welcome to our society. Cloud 11 provides a free and relaxing environment. Our people here have the best life possible, we invite you here because we believe you will provide another productive member to our society. Our society is based on freedom which allows you to live the life that you always wanted to live. Violence and any type of unkindness is unacceptable which makes this society another high priority that you should think of. We would love for you to come out and visit our society to try it out and possibly move here. Your life will be cherished and freedom will be what your life revolves around. Cloud 11 will give you the freedom and rights that you always wanted. Please come and visit today!
Holiday 1- Life Day January 1st- The reason this day was chosen is because it represents a new year and it should represent a new you. This day will revolve around celebrating life in general and being happy. Try to change something on this day and make it a great day.
Holiday 2- Fun Day! July 3rd- This day was chosen because it is the day before the 4th of July which Americans celebrate. This day for us always surrounds fun, we will do everything fun for this day and any work or school will not happen. We will celebrate with anything anyone wants including sports, games etc. This day will make everyone come together and just be a happy day. No drama or violence is allowed.
Holiday 3- No School Or Work July 5th- After July 4th which we also celebrate, we believe people need a day off because they are pretty tired and hungover. They need some sleep and we think they should be allowed to do so. Although some don't work it helps the people that choose to work and be a productive member even though not required. All people just need a day off so we will provide that relaxing day.
Holiday 4- Food Day June 6th- This holiday celebrates kids and their hard work that they put in. Almost all kids love food so this holiday is centered around them. This is around the days that they get off of school for the last day so this day gives them a chance to just have fun relax and eat food!
Holiday 5- Care Day May 12th- The reason we have this holiday is for everyone that needs help. Florence Nightingale was born on this day in 1820 whom is the founder of modern day medicine. This day just helps people that don't have a lot or that have become hurt that don't want to go to the doctors. The doctors go around to houses and check to make sure they are all okay.
Societal Elements
The Physical Structure We will have a rural society in which people live by themselves mostly. Some houses closer to others but almost all spread out. The houses will be simple some more fancy than others but almost all normal middle class houses. They will be arranged like in the country spread out, but some close enough to walk outside and walk over to your neighbors house. Public space is anywhere outside of your property. No one is allowed on your property, if someone is on your property you have the right to do as you wish. People will live on the land that we provide all with a simple price that some choose to pay back or pay up front. People have the right to own any kind of gun that they want for your property also.
Children & Education Children in our society do in fact have to go to school. Although freedom is the center of our society, children still need to learn right from wrong. Children need guidance and need to learn what they want to do in life. Children should be centered around what they want to do when they get out of school. Children will have a mandatory of 10 grades, after that it is optional. We believe in being more centered around what someone wants to do instead of the mandatory classes of the state. Children are not expected to work unless wanted by parents or if they would like. Children deserve respect but are allowed to be disciplined to an extent. They have an opinion but are not considered an adult until age 17. After becoming an adult all rules apply like any other adult including voting and drinking.