Coordinate Theater Postal Operations


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Presentation transcript:

Coordinate Theater Postal Operations Adjutant General Warrant Officer Advance Course INTRODUCTION. The mission of the military postal system is to operate as an extension of the United States Postal Service (USPS) consistent with public law and federal regulations beyond the boundaries of U.S. sovereignty and provide postal services for all DoD personnel and U.S. contractors where there is no USPS available. The Military Postal System (MPS) provides efficient postal services to authorized personnel and activities overseas during normal and contingency operations. MOTIVATOR: Mail is a key morale factor for Soldiers and has been throughout history. Among the many HR Services that an S-1 provides, mail is likely to have the greatest impact on unit and individual Soldier morale. The S-1 must learn and understand mail operations doctrine and responsibilities from unit to Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) level Coordinate Theater Postal Operations Advanced Officer Training Division Adjutant General School 1

Historical Perspective "A successful postal service for the armed forces is admittedly the greatest single factor affecting the morale of all troops. In spite of this, the Postal Service was... given inadequate support and left to improvise as best (it) could to provide service... (T)here was no lack of planning on the part of the postal people but rather a lack of recognition of their basic needs and failure to adequately provide the necessary personnel, equipment, and transportation. It was SOP to require Postal to beg for the tools to work with which should have been provided automatically.“ COL S.G. Schwartz Theater Postal Officer European Theater of Operations 29 August 1945 SHOW SLIDE: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE NOTE: Allow students to read the quote. Ask students if they agree or disagree with the quote and why. Ask students if they have been deployed and what the impact of mail was on the unit while they were downrange. MOTIVATOR: Mail is a key morale factor for Soldiers and has been throughout history. Among the many HR Services that an S-1 provides, mail is likely to have the greatest impact on unit and individual Soldier morale. The S-1 must learn and understand mail operations doctrine and responsibilities from unit to Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) level. TRANSITION: Now that we have seen the historical significance of postal…we should look at our Terminal Learning Objective in a deployed theater of operations.

Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Coordinate Theater Postal Operations CONDITIONS: You are the Human Resources (HR) Technician assigned to a Postal Operations Division (POD) of an HRSC, or Military Mail Terminal (MMT) and are preparing to deploy. You will coordinate postal planning, and technical support to units within the area of responsibility (AOR). You have access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR 600-8-3 (Postal Operations), ATP 1-0.2 (Theater- Level Human Resources Support), DOD 4525.6-M (DoD Postal Manual), and HR enabling systems and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: 1. Define theater level postal operations. 2. Describe the correct mail flow from CONUS to deployed locations. Correlate SRC 12 and supporting HR staff elements postal responsibilities. 4. Define special handling mail categories. SHOW SLIDE: Terminal Learning Objective Review the ALA and GLOS NOTE: Review the TLO and explain that this class is based on doctrine from FM 1-0. It focuses on a wartime environment and not how postal is conducted in the peacetime environments such as in Germany or Korea. This class addresses postal operations necessary to process mail sent from Continental United States (CONUS) to a deployed soldier. The units and systems that support these postal operations will be discussed. The class addresses postal from a contingency deployment perspective. NOTE: Explain to students that discussion is encouraged; however, we must ensure we don’t confuse our personal experiences with what doctrine dictates. NOTE: This block of instruction includes Chapter 4, Section II of FM 1-0. The instructor should also be familiar with AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations) and DoD Manual 4525.6-M (DoD Postal Manual).

Mission The mission of the Military Postal System (MPS) is to operate as an extension of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) consistent with public law and federal regulations beyond the boundaries of U.S. sovereignty and shall provide postal services for all DOD personnel where there is no USPS available. SHOW SLIDE: Mission NOTE: Direct students to FM 1-0, para 4-48 NOTE: Inform students that at a downrange Army Post Office, service is provided to all authorized DoD personnel, including DA Civilians and contractors. Theater-Level Postal Operations: FM 1-0, para 4-48

Deployed Mail Flow Exercise Group Activity Deployed Mail Flow Exercise Group Activity: Divide students into groups and ask them to draw the postal flow for theater. Upon completion, compare group deployed mail flow diagrams and discuss.

Deployed Mail Flow FM 1-0, Figure 4-1 US FLAG CARRIER US POSTAL SERVICE US POST OFFICE MOVED VIA USPS FAMILY SENDS SOLDIER PACKAGE OR LETTER US POSTAL PROCESSING CENTER MOVED VIA USPS US FLAG CARRIER US GATEWAY (JMPA) SHOW SLIDE: Deployed Mail Flow This slide walks through the process of a letter mailed from someone in the United States to a Soldier downrange. The reverse process is similar. First, the letter is transported via USPS from the mail box to the local US Postal Processing Center, then it is transported, again by USPS, to the nearest Gateway. It leaves USPS control at the Gateway and enters the Military Postal System. Mail is either flown or shipped on a US flag carrier plane or US registered ship. Mail arrives at the nearest Military Mail Terminal to the letter’s destination (determined by the zip-code). The MMT breaks it down to the zip code level and ships it to the local APO. The APO further breaks mail down by unit. It is typically picked up by the Battalion S-1 section who sort it further in the UMR and then gets it to the Soldier. NOTE: To give students an idea of the timeliness in this process, here are a few statistics: The average amount of time it takes a letter or package to get to the deployed location from CONUS is between 7 – 10 days; several even make it there in as few as 5 days depending on location. Transition: This overall mail flow process can be accomplished in many ways. AERIAL MAIL TERMINAL or MMT (HR Company – Postal/Postal Platoon) BN OR BDE S-1 RECEIVES MAIL AT APO BROKEN DOWN MAIL IS SHIPPED TO SERVICING APO UMR/CMR APO (Postal Platoon) FM 1-0, Figure 4-1

Postal Organizations and Doctrinal Responsibilities SHOW SLIDE: Postal Organizations and DOCTRINAL Responsibilities

Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) Mission: To achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and distribution of personal and official mail within the DoD. DoD Executive Agent for all services; Acts as the single DoD point of contact with the USPS and other government agencies on MPS policy and operational matters Activates/deactivates contingency MPOs Processes requests to obtain or terminate free mail when requested by the combatant commander. Coordinates initial mail routing schemes with the JMPA(s) The Adjutant General (TAG), Human Resources Command (HRC) is the Executive Director for MPSA. However, the Deputy Director, MPSA (a civilian) runs the day-to-day operations. Plan and coordinate MPO openings, closings, and relocations based upon operational environment SHOW SLIDE: Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) Mission of MPSA: to achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and distribution of personal and official mail within the Department of Defense. The mission of Military Postal System (MPS) is to operate as an extension of United States Postal Service (USPS) consistent with public law and federal regulations beyond the boundaries of US sovereignty and shall provide postal services for all DOD personnel where there is no USPS available. This would include receiving and delivering mail, all actions required for dispatching from point of origin to ultimate destination, including financial services and processing. The MPSA is the conduit through which USPS passes along postal directives and policies to the military postal system. MPSA is responsible for all military mail. The Adjutant General (TAG) of the Army is the head of all military postal operations for all branches of service. The MPSA is the organization that works all military mail handling issues. MPSA is located in the Hoffman Building in Alexandria, VA. The MPSA oversees JMPA-C in Chicago, IL. In a joint environment the Joint Task Force (JTF) commander can dictate what service they want to perform the mail operations (it can be shared between the different services). The Postal School at Ft. Jackson teaches not only Army personnel, but Navy, Marine and Air Force personnel as well. The TAG is the Army functional proponent for Postal Operations FM 1-0, Para 4-53

Joint Military Postal Activity (JMPA) Acts as the single DoD POC with USPS at postal gateways Coordinates transportation of mail in the host nation Coordinates mail movement transportation needs with commercial carriers and the military Air Mobility Command (AMC) Coordinates mail routing scheme changes with postal gateways and maintain the Military Zip Code database Provides major commands and Military Department Postal Representatives with information on mail processing and irregularities Assists the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in matters relating to processing, distribution, dispatch and transportation of military mail SHOW SLIDE: Joint Military Postal Activity (JMPA) The JMPA provides the interface of military and civilian postal operations at the gateways. JMPA-Chicago (JMPA-C) established 17 JUN 2013 as a result of consolidating military mail at Chicago and the disestablishment of both JMPA-Atlantic (JMPA-A) and JMPA-Pacific (JMPA-P). JMPA-C has East and West Region detachments. East Region detachments are located at Jersey City, NJ, JFK, NY, Miami, FL, & Chicago, IL West Region detachments are San Francisco, CA, & Honolulu, HI JMPA-A was at JFK, moved to Jersey City, NJ in 2007 JMPA-P was at San Francisco, moved to Los Angeles at LAX in 2010, then LAX closed in 2013. (1) JMPA manages movement of the mail from the gateway to the theater of operations. As mail arrives at the gateways, the JMPA determines where to send it. (2) The JMPA acts as a single POC with USPS at gateways. This single interface only occurs at the gateways. JMPA doesn't interface with the USPS outside of the gateways. (3) The JMPA coordinates mail routing scheme changes with gateways. Remember that changes in the task organization affect the routing scheme. NOTE: Explain to the students that information flow is the key when talking about the timely delivery of mail. Unit S-1s MUST communicate information regarding the change in routing schemes to their local APO as soon as possible! JMPA Website FM 1-0, Para 4-52

Postal Operations Roles & Responsibilities ASCC G-1 XXXX POSTAL DIV PLANS/OPS MMT CORPS G-1 XXX PLANS/OPS DIV When Acting as ARFOR *Corps & Divisions have no mission command of postal elements; must coordinate w/ HROB in supporting Sustainment BDE - Establish Army element of MMT - Control Mail Movement in AOR - Coordinate w/Joint and Sustainment nodes for support - Distribute mail to HR Companies (Postal) - Consolidate Retrograde Mail - Process Casualty Mail Develops postal policies, priorities, & guidelines Monitor postal ops in theater Ensures postal ops included in Tab A, to Appendix 2, to Annex F of OPORD Process requests for APO activation/deactivation Assist TSC/ESC, HRSC, & MMT in obtaining postal resources to support postal theater mission Ensure TSC/ESC, HRSC, & MMT have systems in place to identify deficiencies in postal ops HRSC POSTAL OPS DIV PLANS/OPS - Determine Postal structure required to support Theater mission - Provide Postal technical guidance to MMT, HROB & HR Co - Establish AOR locator/redirect services - Implement Postal policy - Providing routing info to JMPA - Conduct Postal Inspections SHOW SLIDE: POSTAL KEY FUNCTION – ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FM 1-0, para 4-55 to 4-4-64 ASCC G-1: primarily responsible for plans & policy for the theater-works in concert with TSC and HRSC to develop, disseminate, and enforce these plans and policies. Corps/Division G-1: Does not have mission command of postal elements; coordinates postal ops, resolves postal issues working through HROB of supporting Sustainment BDE; can serve as the ASCC G-1 when serving as the Army Forces G-1 HRSC POD: Ensures all postal policies, regulations, and guidance from USPS, MPSA, & ASCC are implemented and executed by all Army postal assets in theater. Provides postal assistance & technical guidance to HROBs, MMTs, and HR Cos; See ATP 1-0.2, para 4-25 to 4-26 for complete details on POD responsibilities. Note: HRSC POD also plan and coordinate MPO openings, closings, and relocations based upon operational environment MMT: establish Army element of JMMT w/ augmentation from an HR Co in the port area that coordinates, receives, and processes incoming theater mail and dispatches retrograde mail to CONUS; may serve as the COR (contracting officer representative) when postal ops are contracted; operates as coordinating staff under the mission command of a supporting SB; MMT is ADCON to STB/CSSB for religious, legal, health services, milpay, HR & admin, quarters, rations, logistics, maintenance support, and supplementary transportation support; see ATP 1-0.2, para 4-27 to 4-40 HR Co: Supports either the MMT or establishes APOs. Provides MC to subordinate PLTs; coordinates w/HROB for transportation & equipment; provides COR when postal ops are contracted. See ATP 1-0.2, para 4-54. HR CO - Establish APO as directed - Provide Postal finance area support - Manage Redirect Mail - Process Retrograde Mail

Postal Operations Division HRSC Postal Operations Division TSC ASCC G-1 O6 42H00 O5 42H00 E9 42A6O Director, HRSC 2/0/1 3 11/10/47 68 O4 42H00 4J W3 420A 4J E8 42A5O F4 E4 42A1O F5 O5 42H00 O4 42H00 (2) W5 420A E9 42A6O E7 42A4O (2) E5 42A2O (4) E4 42A1O (2) E4 91B1O W2 255A0 E5 42A2O (4) E4 25B1O (2) E4 42A1O (2) E3 42A1O (2) O4 42H00 W3 420A (2) W2 420A E7 42A4O E5 42A2O (2) E4 42A1O (4) E3 42A1O (2) Cas Ops Div O5 42H00 O4 42H00 (3) W4 420A (2) E8 42A5O E5 42A2O (4) E4 42A1O (2) E3 42A1O (4) Postal Ops Div Plans & Ops Div HR Systems Div PA Div 3/1/10 14 0/1/10 11 1/3/9 13 4/2/11 17 1/1/2 4 Operates an AOR locator system and redirect services Establishes procedures for casualty mail operations Determines the location and function of AOR postal units Consults with JMPA to develop mail routing instructions and procedures for optimum mail delivery in theater Coordinates for AOR level postal supplies and equipment Conducts Postal Inspections/ Audits W3 420A 4J E5 42A2O F5 E4 42A1O F5 Tm A 0/1/2 3 SHOW SLIDE: HRSC Postal Operations Division (Reflects FY17 MTOE) HRSC POD: Ensures all postal policies, regulations, and guidance from USPS, MPSA, and ASCC are implemented and executed by all Army postal assets in theater; provides postal assistance and technical guidance to HROBs, HR Cos and MMTs; -participates with TSC/ESC, HROB, and theater G1/AG in planning, executing, and assessing postal ops for the theater -coordinates with ASCC G-1 for policy guidance and resourcing by TSC -appoints a theater and assistant PFO (postal finance officer) -assists ESC HROB in establishing theater opening postal ops -establishes deployed postal inspection plan -establishes direct coordination with MPSA and JMPA -monitors & determines appropriate mail flow rates -coordinates theater EPW mail plan W3 420A 4J E5 42A2O F5 E4 42A1O F5 Tm B 0/1/2 3 FM 1-0, para 4-59 ATP 1-0.2, para 4-25 - 26 ROA: 1 PER TSC

Sample HROB Postal Key Performance Indicators/Key Personnel Info HROB Postal Division Mission Plan, coordinate, integrate and manage Sustainment Brigade HR Support. Postal Section Provide technical guidance to HR Companies to include: -mission analysis -determine best method of support - passing requirements to the HR elements for execution Sample HROB Postal Key Performance Indicators/Key Personnel Info Is accountable and casualty mail secure, accounted for, and redirected? Number and type of postal offenses Number of days mail is static or undelivered Red, Amber, Green status of mail flow in the AO Recent/future inspection schedule Number of tons of mail received vs. dispatched Changes in population supported that may require reallocation of HR assets. SHOW SLIDE: HROB Postal Division REFERENCE: FM 1-0, PARA 2-57 to 2-64/ATP 1-0.2, PARA 1-49 to 1-62 The HROB is responsible for the planning, coordinating, integrating, and synchronizing the postal operations missions within the Sustainment Brigade’s or ESC’s AO. A critical function of the postal division within the HROB is to serve as an integrator between the HRSC and assigned or attached HR organizations (HR CO, MMT Team) for execution of HR Support. Additionally, the HROB serves as an integrator between the supporting units (G-1/AG and S-1) and the sustainment organizations for the execution of external HR support. The HROB plans, projects, and recommends HR support requirements for current and future operations, and ensures the emplacement and displacement of HR support organizations are in synchronization with the concept of support plan for postal operations. The HROB tracks key performance indicators/key personnel information and CCIRs and is the ESC & Sustainment Brigade’s element responsible for ensuring HR operations are fully integrated into overall sustainment operations. The HROB ensures a sufficient number of HR organizations are available to provide HR area support, monitor support provided by HR organizations and manage HR support within the AO. The HROB provides technical guidance and resources to the HR organizations (supporting units) and ensures they have the capability to provide the required PA, casualty, and postal support directed in the HR concept of support. They provide a supported/supporting relationship with the G-1/AG and S-1s within the AO. To effectively manage HR support, the HROB must communicate and coordinate with supported and supporting HR elements. The HROB uses HR planning considerations to develop performance indicators to ensure HR operations are integrated into the overall sustainment plan.

Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team Mission: Provide postal support to an AOR. O3 42B CHIEF O2 42B DEP CHIEF E7 42A SR HR SGT E4 91B MECH 2/1/14 17 MMT TM HQS 2/0/2 4 POSTAL SQUAD B OPS SEC POSTAL SQUAD A Capabilities: Existence based organization employed as part of the theater opening mission to establish a Joint Military Mail Terminal. With augmentation of the HR Company – Postal, provides integrated, accurate, and timely processing of mail. 0/1/2 3 0/0/5 5 0/0/5 5 W2 420A HR TECH E6 42AF4 HR SGT E4 42AF5 HR SPC E6 42AF4 PSTL SUPV E5 42AF5 PSTL SGT E4 42AF5 PSTL SPC E3 42AF5 PSTL CLK (2) E6 42AF4 PSTL SUPV E5 42AF5 PSTL SGT E4 42AF5 PSTL SPC E3 42AF5 PSTL CLK (2) SHOW SLIDE: Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team FM 1-0, para 2-65 to 2-71/ ATP 1-0.2, para 4-27 to 4-40 MMT requires augmentation of an HR Co + 4 Postal Plts. Does not have mission command of this HR Co but does provide technical guidance. Normally assigned or attached to SB STB and is dependent on it for all admin, logistical, and maintenance support Provides the Army component of a JMMT at the inter-theater APOD As theater matures, transitions to theater distribution mission. Receives technical guidance from HRSC POD and HROB Bulk mail Mission: process incoming mail & dispatch mail to CONUS at the APOD HQs section is a direct link to other Services for operating space at the terminal, flight schedules, and ground transportation of mail. Ops section link to all theater postal ops planning and implements all necessary input from other Services and guidance from MPSA, & DA Postal into the OPLAN; operational interface between MMT & SB HROB All heavy postal equipment for the AO is associated with the MMT. Transition: MMTs are typically set up in a large warehouse with several subsections. Provides postal support to an Area of Operations (AO) by coordinating, receiving, processing incoming mail, and dispatching outgoing mail. Responsibilities include: Provides specialized postal expertise and limited augmentation manpower Provides accurate & timely processing and distribution of all mail arriving in the AO Establish a Casualty Mail section to provide casualty mail services to AOR Distribute mail to HR companies or postal platoons providing area support Serve as a collection point and routing agency for all retrograde mail coming from within the AOR FM 1-0, para 2-67 – 2-71

Ground Transportation Example MMT Layout OUTBOUND PROCESSING 1. BAGS SORTED MAIL 2. HOLDS MAIL UNTIL MOVED TO CONNEXES 3. ENSURES PAPERWORK IS COMPLETE AND SECURES CONNEXES UNTIL MAIL IS TRANSPORTED CONNEX LOADING AREA HOLDS MAIL AFTER IT HAS BEEN SORTED TO ZIP CODE LEVEL FLIGHT LINE CASUALTY MAIL MANAGES THEATER COMMAND CELL MMT AND HR CO LEADERSHIP CMD CELL OUTBOUND PROCESSING CONNEX LOADING AREA CASUALTY MANIFEST ROOM ALL PAPERWORK IS PREPARED FOR SHIPMENT OF MAIL TO APO’S MANIFEST REGISTERED ROOM REGISTERED ROOM PROCESSES AND HOLDS ALL REGISTERED MAIL – SECURE ROOM INBOUND PROCESSING REDIRECT & INTERNATIONAL SECTION POSTAL SUPPLY MAIL SORTING AREA POSTAL SUPPLY HOLDS ALL USPS PROVIDED POSTAL SUPPLIES SHOW SLIDE: Example MMT Layout See ATP 1-0.2, Fig. 4-2 This is an example of how a typical MMT could be laid out. Mail flows in through inbound and exits through outbound. Large tri-walls are used to sort mail to the zip code level then it is bagged and stored in large connexes until it is time to transport to the local APO. Theater casualty and redirect missions are done at the MMT as well. These facilities operate full-time with a capability of >250k lbs of mail/day and have surge capability to handle variances, such as holiday mail increases. Coordination with supporting APOD MCT is required for visibility and provision of sufficient transportation assets for the movement of mail into the deployed AO. MMT has no organic transportation assets. Basic workspace for MMT is one sq. ft per two supported members. Ex. If MMT provides support to for five bases, with a total combined population of 10,000, the facility is calculated at an estimated 50,000 sq ft. NOTE: Ensure students understand that this is not a standard layout of a MMT, merely an example. MAIL SORTING AREA MAIL IS SORTED TO ZIP CODE LEVEL THEN MOVED TO CONNEXES FOR STORAGE Ground Transportation Marshalling Area Processing center boundary, with gates INBOUND PROCESSING 1. UNLOADS INBOUND MAIL 2. X-RAY MACHINE TO SCREEN MAIL 3. SORTS LETTER MAIL 4. MAINTAINS CURRENT TASK ORGANIZATION AND UNIT LOCATOR LIST REDIRECT & INTERNATIONAL MISSENT & INTERNATIONAL MAIL ARE PROCESSED ATP 1-0.2 FIGURE 4-2

HR Company MISSION (5 / 1 / 75 = 81) Rules of Allocation: HR Company Provide command and control, and technical support to all assigned and attached postal and HR platoons. HR Company Headquarters Command Section Plans & Operations Support (5 / 1 / 75 = 81) HR SHOW SLIDE: HR COMPANY (Reflects 2017 MTOE) FM 1-0, para 2-76 to 2-81/ ATP 1-0.2, para 1-72 to 1-74 The HR Company headquarters provides MC, planning and technical support to all assigned or attached platoons and teams. It is both an existence and workload based modular headquarters. Responsibilities of the HR Company headquarters include: Provide MC and oversee training and readiness oversight of all assigned or attached postal platoons. Provide HR manpower in support of MMT as an element of the theater opening module of a Sustainment Brigade. Coordinate external support functions such as life support, force protection, transportation and logistics. Provide logistical and maintenance support to all assigned or attached postal platoons. Provide execution planning and current operations tracking for postal operations, when augmented with postal plans and operations teams. Identifies postal unit locations and FOB locations Provides current operational status Conducts SAVs Monitors population serviced (area population) Monitors mail volume, delivery delays, transportation & storage issues Establishes & closes APOs ICW HROB & HRSC, w/approval of MPSA Coordinates postal plans w/HROB Reconciles postal issues Tracks/monitors APO reports Plans for and monitors execution of postal support to authorized contractors. Monitors postal related contracts to include COR support Rules of Allocation: One per Sustainment Brigade One per Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team (TG PAT) (Existence) One per Military Mail Terminal (MMT) (Existence) One for every 3 - 7 HR and/ or Postal Platoons (Workload) Any combination of the two types of platoons, from three to seven platoons, are supported by company headquarters FM 1-0, Figure 2-10

Postal Platoon Capabilities: 1/0/20/21 Mission: Provides postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned area of operation or serve as an element of an MMT. Receives technical guidance through the HR Company HQs and the corresponding Plans and Ops Team. POSTAL PLATOON POSTAL FINANCE SECTION POSTAL SQUAD A POSTAL SQUAD B HQs SECTION 1/0/1/2 0/0/3/3 0/0/8/8 0/0/8/8 E6 42AF4 Pstl Supv E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec (3) E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk (3) E6 42AF4 Pstl Supv E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec (3) E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk (3) O2 42B4J Platoon Ldr E7 42AF5 Platoon Sgt E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk SHOW SLIDE: Postal Platoon (Reflects 2014 MTOE) FM 1-0, para 2-87 to 2-90/ ATP 1-0.2, para 1-88 The mission of a Postal Platoon is to provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO or to serve as an element of an MMT. Postal platoons operate in conjunction with Plans and Operations teams within HR companies. The postal platoon consists of a headquarters section, postal finance section, and 2 postal squads. The headquarters section provides mission command, leadership, and resourcing. The postal finance section sells money orders, stamps, and provides accountable mail services. Each postal squad has the capability to perform operations or services missions or to perform independently as needed as a mobile mail team. The platoons are each equipped with 3 variable reach forklifts to provide efficient mail movement in whatever type of area the platoon is supporting. The Postal Platoon receives all technical guidance through the HR Company headquarters and the corresponding Postal Plans and Operations Team. The HR Company HQ provides all command and control to the attached postal platoons. NOTE: Explain to students that though they may have heard about postal operations and services platoons in the past, after HR transformation, there is only one type of postal platoon that does every mission. They are not specialized. Capabilities: Multifunctional organization providing support for up to 6,000 personnel at one location or serving as 1 of 4 platoons supporting an MMT. Capable of performing the complete spectrum of postal functions from postal service and postal finance to postal operations. FM 1-0, para 2-87

Postal Platoon Employment and Support One postal platoon provides postal finance and operations support for up to 6,000 personnel Should deploy with the main body of combat forces A trained and fully equipped postal unit requires a minimum of 48 hours to establish postal operations Postal units must be established prior to the movement of mail in or out of the AOR Requires capability to communicate digitally and voice to HR CO HQ and G-1 / S-1 sections of units in the supported area Provides customer service for postal finance support consistent with commander’s mail policies Services include money order/postage stamp sales, special services, and package mailing Services are provided a minimum of 5 days a week at consolidated locations, and as often as tactical situations and manning levels allow Services can be increased/decreased based on command directives and METT-TC SHOW SLIDE: Postal Platoon Employment and Support The platoon deploys to the AO and provides modular, scalable and flexible postal support including postal financial management, services, and mail distribution. The postal platoon is a multifunctional organization providing postal support for up to 6,000 personnel or serving as one of four platoons in support of an MMT. This universal modular platoon is capable of performing the complete spectrum of postal functions from postal service and postal finance to postal operations. It includes processing incoming bulk mail, coordinating mail transportation to forward platoons, and processing outgoing mail to CONUS. The platoon requires capability to communicate digitally and via voice to HR Company headquarters, and G-1/AG and S-1 sections of units in the supported area. POSTAL PLT MAJOR EQUIPMENT QTY LIN TYPE 3 T61494 TRK UTIL M998A1 2 T95992 TRL CGO ¾ T 1 T60081 TRK CGO M1078A1 LMTV 1 T93484 TRK VAN M1079A1 2 T96564 TRL FLAT BED M1082 2 T73347 TRK FORK LIFT VAR RCH RT 2 T49255 TRK FORK LIFT 4k w/o CAB 1 Z53098 CAISI BRIDGE 1 J46526 CAISI FM 1-0, para 2-88

Special Mail Handling Categories Official Mail Accountable Mail Contaminated/Suspicious mail Casualty mail “Free” mail International mail SHOW SLIDE: Special Mail Handling Categories Postal Finance Services. Postal platoons provide customer service for postal finance support consistent with the commander's mail policies. These services include money order and postage stamp sales, special services, and package mailing. Personal Mail is mail addressed to individual Soldiers and civilians. Postal platoons receive, sort, and dispatch personal mail to appointed unit mail clerks/mail orderlies. Official Mail is that mail addressed to or originating from military or other governmental organizations. Official mail is delivered from the postal platoon to the Official Mail Manager who then delivers to the addressee or agent through official mail distribution channels, a Signal Corps responsibility. Accountable Mail is Registered, Insured, Certified, Return Receipt for Merchandise or Express Military Mail Service. Redirect Services. The postal network provides personal, official, and accountable mail redirect services starting at the unit mail clerk level. There are two forms of redirect services: Soldier redirect and unit redirect. Contaminated / Suspicious Mail. The postal network must develop and implement an SOP for handling and processing contaminated/suspicious mail IAW postal regulations. Suspicious mail may consist of radiological, biological, nuclear, or chemical agents. Suspicious mail may include conventional explosives or contraband. Casualty Mail processing requires special attention. This is essential to prevent premature casualty information disclosure and mail return before notification of the NOK. IAW DoD 4525.6-M, unit mail clerks will return all undelivered casualty mail without any endorsements to the servicing postal platoon as soon as possible. The postal platoon(s) forwards casualty mail to the theater casualty mail section at the MMT for endorsement and final processing. Free Mail. The combatant commander may request through MPSA to the Secretary of Defense free mail services during a specific operation. Free mail is limited to letter mail, sound or video-recorded communications having characteristics of personal correspondence and addressed to a location within the delivery limits of the USPS and MPS. International Mail. HRSC POD will assess the need for international mail exchange within the theater of operation and identify the postal platoon to conduct that mission. All requests for pro-grade mail support for coalition forces will be submitted by the ASCC to the combatant command. Host Nation Postal Support. If supported by the host nation, this support can be a critical element of the postal support structure. It frees the military/civilian postal personnel for more critical duties. Host nation personnel can be military or civilian, and they can handle all mail classes except registered mail (domestic or official). Contractor Support. During military operations, it may become necessary to contract out selected postal services, to include operating entire APOs. The success of contracting postal operations when shifting from a “military operated and military supervised” postal operation to a “contractor operated” postal operations is ensuring the government maintains oversight of the service.

Check on Learning What role does the HROB play in placement and displacement of MMTs? The HROB recommends placement and displacement of the MMT Teams to the HRSC and is responsible for providing logistical support to moving teams. What are the Rules of Allocation for a MMT? One per Inter Theater APOD SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a Check on Learning and summarize learning activity.

Postal Supervisor Course (ASI-F4) The Postal Supervisor Course is a two week and four day course that trains students from all branches of the service, E-5 thru O-4, in the management and supervisory skills required to perform duties as a postal supervisor. Students are trained in the following: Assume Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) Responsibilities Identification of Military Postal Service (MPS) Responsibilities Inspect a Military Post Office Perform Retail System Software (RSS) System Functions Operate an Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database SSI offers the Postal Supervisor Course. At the completion of the course, the student will be awarded the ASI –F4. Enrollment must be conducted with the students assigned unit’s S3 or Schools Representative. Department of Defense Postal Manual 4525.6-M

Postal Operations Course (ASI-F5) The Postal Operations Course is a course to train enlisted personnel E1 through E9 from all branches of service (active and reserve components), officer personnel 01 through 04, warrant officer 1 through 5, and civilian personnel GS-1 through GS-9 on procedures involved in the operation of a military post office (MPO). Procedures involved in the operation of a military post office (MPO) to include: Process domestic mail (special services) Prepare mail transportation document Process international mail Conduct money order Business Maintain stamp stock/conduct audit of stamp stock Maintain postal supplies To include other vital postal duties and responsibilities Department of Defense Postal Manual 4525.6-M

Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Coordinate Theater Postal Operations CONDITIONS: You are the Human Resources (HR) Technician assigned to a Postal Operations Division (POD) of an HRSC, or Military Mail Terminal (MMT) and are preparing to deploy. You will coordinate postal planning, and technical support to units within the area of responsibility (AOR). You have access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR 600-8-3 (Postal Operations), ATP 1-0.2 (Theater- Level Human Resources Support), DOD 4525.6-M (DoD Postal Manual), and HR enabling systems and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: 1. Define theater level postal operations. 2. Describe the correct mail flow from CONUS to deployed locations. Correlate SRC 12 and supporting HR staff elements postal responsibilities. 4. Define special handling mail categories. SHOW SLIDE: Terminal Learning Objective NOTE: Review the TLO and explain that this class is based on doctrine from FM 1-0. It focuses on a wartime environment and not how postal is conducted in the peacetime environments such as in Germany or Korea. This class addresses postal operations necessary to process mail sent from Continental United States (CONUS) to a deployed soldier. The units and systems that support these postal operations will be discussed. The class addresses postal from a contingency deployment perspective. NOTE: Explain to students that discussion is encouraged; however, we must ensure we don’t confuse our personal experiences with what doctrine dictates. NOTE: This block of instruction includes Chapter 4, Section II of FM 1-0. The instructor should also be familiar with AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations) and DoD Manual 4525.6-M (DoD Postal Manual).