Affirmative perception statements Example: Q.18.Please measure the following affirmative perceptions about your library OPAC and Web OPAC use . Codes: 1-strongly disagree, 2- disagree, 3- neutral, 4-agree, 5- strongly agree S/N Affirmative perception statements Codes (i) OPAC / Web OPAC was Easier to use than I expected 1 2 3 4 5 (ii) It was Fun to use (iii) It was Easy to use (iv) It helped me in finding the documents faster (v) It is Very difficult to use (vi) It is Very confusing to use (vii) I found more items than expected (viii) I am comfortable with simple search (ix) I am comfortable complex/Advance search (x) I am comfortable quick search (xi) I am comfortable when using OPAC/Web OPAC