THANK YOU for your support!
Each day, visions and dreams are created Each day, visions and dreams are created. Through Strengthen the Church, they can become a reality. Invest in the Vision…
God calls us to be “church” in new ways… Nearly 50 new churches have joined the UCC in the last two years. Here, they celebrate at last year’s General Synod in Long Beach, California.
TO AWAKEN NEW IDEAS IN EXISTING CHURCHES… Iglesia Unida de Chapel Hill, a church based out of the United Church of Chapel Hill (N.C.) is one of only a few open and affirming Latino churches in the South. Iglesia Unida, led by Rev. Dave Mateo, is committed to social justice, and to the work for peace.
To develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults
TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS THAT “God is still speaking,” Just this past year, leaders throughout the United Church of Christ were featured in a host of national and regional media outlets, sharing the good news on issues of marriage equality, immigration reform, the environment, gun violence, and other issues.
50% of your gift stays in your local Conference for these Strengthen the Church purposes.
THANK YOU for supporting Strengthen the Church!